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Homeopathic Remedies For Insomnia

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Dec 26, 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for insomnia, insomnia, homeopathy for sleeplessness

Insomnia is a common condition that causes sleeplessness.  Common causes of insomnia are stress and worry, .  Sleeplessness can cause decrease work performance, lethargy and grouchiness.  Diet and lifestyle changes also help relieve insomnia.  Drinking minimal amounts of caffeine and getting plenty of exercise often help get a good nights sleep.  If these did not work for your insomnia, homeopathy may be worth a try.

This alternative type of medicine offers a safe way to get to sleep.  These medicines are not addictive and there are no harmful side effects.  Homeopathy offers a wide range remedies to help with different kinds of insomnia.  Homeopathy is generally individualized according to your symptoms. Different types of insomnia will require a different remedy.  

Insomnia caused by bad dreams which may cause restlessness requires Belladonna or Chamomilla.  These remedies should be tried in a 6C potency.  Sleeplessness caused by frequent disruptions such as babies crying or on call support use the following remedies Cocculus and Nux Vomica.  The potencies of these should be a 6C.  Lack of sleep after an illness is also a common cause of insomnia.  After an illness, it takes the body some time to get back to a normal sleep schedule.  Kali Phosphoricum in a 6X potency will help with this type of insomnia. 

In summary, homeopathy offers a wide variety of remedies to help treat insomnia in a safe and effective way.  If you know some other remedies to help with insomnia, please list them in the comments section.


Homeopaths Without Borders Makes Trip Number 5 To Haiti

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Dec 16, 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, homeopaths without borders

haiti nursing studentsHomeopaths without borders, an organization of homeopaths that helps nations during disasters, has made their 5th trip to Haiti.  This organization made their first trip February of 2010.  The situation was quite grim in February.  This organization helped to treat patients in Haiti for ailments such as burns, physical trauma ,injuries, fear, dizziness, headaches, urinary tract infections, eye problems and dehydration. 

The situation in Haiti has improved significantly since February.  Haiti still does need International help.  This November trip, a group of homeopaths returned to Saint Vincent's School For Handicapped Children.  Ailments treated there were acute and/or chronic stomach problems, headaches, eye problems, rash and cough. 

Homeopaths without borders has visited Universite Notre Dame D’Haiti twice.  The first time was to set up a homeopath training class.  The class consisted of 120 nursing students.  The homeopaths went back a few days later to treat students that may have any ailments. 

This group also visited the baptist mission in Delmar area of Port Au Prince.  The group treated children with severe cases of scabies and other rashes, fevers, stomach problems, and other ailments. 

Homeopaths without borders will continue to visit Haiti for the short term.  They are looking to expand their homeopathy training classes for nursing students.   Long range goals include opening up a homeopathic clinic to treat patients in Haiti.

Pets Are Having Success With Homeopathy Treatment

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Dec 08, 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Tags: homeopathy for pets, pet homeopathy

homeopathy for pets

Homeopathy is one of the leading alternative type of medical treatments for humans.  This alternative type of medicine is now being used by vets as well.  Many dog and cat owners say homeopathy treatments work for their pets.  Horses and other type of animals also have claimed success using homeopathic treatments.  Homeopathy provides a cost effective way to treat pets compared to allopathic medicine.  Little information is available about homeopathic treatments for pets.  A new UK survey hopes to fix this issue. 

A UK survey was done treating pets with homeopathy.  The survey found that dogs and cats were helped by this type of alternative type of medicine.  This was a clinical outcomes study.  UK survey collected data from 1500 dogs and 400 cats from various homeopathic vet surgeons.  Common conditions include dermatitis, renal failure, overgrooming, arthritis and hyperthyroidism were treated with homeopathic medicine.  Owners supported a success rate of 68% for dogs.  63% was the success rate for cats. 

The results from this survey was quite impressive.  Animals are not know to have placebo effects.  Authors concluded that trials in homeopathy for dogs and cats should be conducted after this study.  There are no homeopathy trial studies with cats and dogs at this point.   




Dissecting the Adverse Effects of Surgical Procedures

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Dec 07, 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, surgury side effects

This article is a guest post by curing hemmorhoid miracle solutions.  I appreciate their contribution to our homeopathy blog.


People have been increasingly reliant on modern medicine. Medical interventions have been able to help prolong lives, especially with the help of modern surgical procedures. It is amazing to know that modern surgical procedures are able to do incredible things to save a person’s life.

One example of this is the bariatric surgery. It has become the more popular option, especially to those who have become morbidly obese. Though this procedure is considered to be highly effective in losing weight, the adverse effects of this procedure cannot be denied.

Nausea and vomiting are the most common adverse effects of bariatric surgery. But the more serious adverse effect would be the development of infection from the wound acquired from the surgery, resulting to leaks from the stomach into the abdominal cavity. Cases like this require the patient to undergo another operation.

Another great example would be the hemorrhoidectomy. It is a surgical procedure that is done to remove hemorrhoids. In other procedures, a circular stapling device is used to remove hemorrhoidal tissue and close the wound. However, this procedure does not require incision. What it does it that, it only lifts the hemorrhoid. After which, it is then placed back (or "stapled") in the anal canal.

The adverse effect in this procedure is that, 5% of the time, hemorrhoids come back after the surgery. It also leaves you the inability to control the bowel movement and even the bladder. Not only that, it leaves you at risk for infection of the surgical area because some of the stool may be trapped in the anal area.

Removal of gallstones is another example of surgical procedures that can also pose some risk factors to one’s health. One risk factor would be infection on the incision or internal bleeding. Injury to the small intestines may also be experienced by one of the instruments used during the surgery.

All these and other medical surgical procedures provide post-operation risks and other complications. Studies show that the success of these surgical procedures like the aforementioned depends on the ability of the patient to make changes in his lifestyle.

These conditions can be avoided. Say, hemorrhoids, for example. Hemorrhoids can be avoided from occurring or from coming back if you will be able to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. For one, you have to avoid the common causes of hemorrhoids such as eating too much processed food, prolonged sitting or standing.

The same goes with other ailments as well. Taking care of your body from the inside and out will keep you from getting morbidly obese or from suffering from chronic diseases.

Holly Hayden is a respected authority on using herbs to cure your hemorrhoid naturally. Her free report on this method has helped thousands of people see curing your hemorrhoid using herbs. Her exclusive system has already helped thousands of people treat their hemorrhoids towards elimination without surgery or ineffective creams.

Homeopathic Remedies To Fight The Cold and Flu.

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Dec 01, 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for flu, homeopathic cold remedies

homeopathic flu and cold


Homeopathic remedies are very popular to fight the cold.  They have been used during the last century to fight off swine flu and other strains of flu.  These remedies are individualized so choosing the right remedy is critical.  Self treatment of acute cold and flu symptoms is quite common. 


  This remedy is used to fight the common cold.  Fever is common.  Symptoms are worse from heat and better from motion.  Used this remedy in a 6c potency.

Bryonia Alba

  Used to fight pneumonia and cold.  Symptoms for this remedy include cough, severe throbbing headaches, fever, chest pain and excessive sweating.  Wants to be left alone when sick.  The remedy should be taken in a 6C potency.


  Use to fight common cold with intense headaches.  Symptoms include flush skin with the body feeling chills.  Sore throat with cough may occur.  Loss of voice is also common.  Usage should begin in a 30C potency.


  Used for the common cold brought on by emotional stress.  Ailments in this cold include chills, stuffy nose, excessive thirst, cough and chest pain.  Start with this remedy in a 6c potency.

Anas Barbariae

  This medicine should be used at the first onset of flu.  This medicine is better know as oscilloccinum.  It has been tested and research more than any other homeopathic remedy.  Every trial done with this medicine shows that it reduces the length of the flu by about 6 hours.  You can save yourself some money and just buy the single remedy in a 200C potency. 

  There are quite a few homeopathic remedies to treat the flu.  Find the one that matches your symptoms. Many people keep a few of this remedies on hand just in case the flu makes to their homes.

Influenzinum 2010: Is This Vaccine Effective

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Nov 23, 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Tags: flu vaccines, Influenzium



The new flu vaccine is now available.  Many people are taking this flu shot for protection against the seasonal flu and the swine flu.  You can get the flu shot as an injection or as a seasonal mist.

A homeopathic version of the flu vaccine is called influenzium.  This is a diluted version of the flu vaccine for the year 2010.  This homeopathic medicine can be found in varying potencies from 6C to 200C. 

How effective will this vaccine be?  This is a difficult question to answer.  The flu vaccine does not offer 100% protection against the flu.  Flu vaccine are based on a matching system.  If the flu vaccine is a close match, the vaccine is quite effective in preventing the flu.  However, many vaccines from previous years are not good matches in flu prevention.  The flu vaccine in 2010 has made a match with the southern hemisphere and tropical area flu viruses.  The flu virus really has not hit the US so it is difficult to figure out whether the vaccine will be effective against flu prevention. 

The flu vaccine should not be taken by everybody.  People allergic to eggs, people who have had adverse side effects from the flu shot in the past and people that already have gotten the flu.    There are side effects to the flu vaccine such as soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given, fever and aches and pain.  

The flu vaccine is recommended by the CDC to everyone over 6 months of age.  Health care workers, children between 2 to 5 years of age, nursing home workers, older adults above age 50 and people with chronic illness such as diabetes. 

Should everyone get the flu vaccine even though there is no guarantee that it will work?  I look forward to your comments.

Homeopathy Medicine Not Effective For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Nov 14, 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Tags: rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where joints and tissues become inflamed.  This is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks itself causing the joint inflammation.  Causes of this disease is unknown.  If affects more women than men.  This disease can happen at any age.  It happens gradually as the joints become inflamed.  Treatments for this disease include medication, physical therapy, exercise and surgery.  Surgery is generally not needed.  These treatments stop most joint destruction.  Many RA patients live normal lives.  However, the pain associated with RA can be really intense.

New research was done by the journal of Rheumatology to see if homeopathic remedies help fight this disease.  A previous study seemed to suggest that homeopathic medicine may help relieve pain associated with this disease.  

Homeopathic consultation were done.  Patients were given 5 homeopathic consults. The homeopathic consults had given patients homeopathic remedies and placebos. It seems that homeopathic consultations help people get pain relief.  The research showed that anyone going to a homeopathic consultation seemed to show a great deal of improvement in their condition regardless of what medicine was given.

Authors of the research concluded that homeopathy consultations are effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis but homeopathic medicine show no greater effect than a placebo.    

Aconitum Napellus: Medieval poison to Modern Medicine

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Nov 11, 2010 @ 03:45 PM

Tags: aconitum napellus, aconite

aconitum napellus

Aconitum Napellus also known as Monkshood, aconite, Wolf's Bane, Monk's Blood, or Monk's Hood is a species native to western and central Europe and northeastern United States.

Aconitum Napellus has found its place in mythological history. As wolfsbane, it was believed to repel the werewolf and protect anyone who wore it from the wolf's attack.

Like other species in the genus, Aconitum contains several poisonous compounds, including enough cardiac poison that it was used on spears and arrows for hunting and battle in ancient times. Aconitum has a long history of use as a poison. During the ancient Roman period of European history the plant was often used to eliminate criminals and enemies, Later the Roman government made the use of the herb illegal and punished citizens who grew it.

Aconitum produced from the roots of a number of different species of Aconitum is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat "coldness", general debility, and "Yang deficiency." Misuse of the medicinal ingredients contained in this plant can negatively affect the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, thus resulting in death.

Homeopathy dilutes aconite so that it is not poisonous.  These medicines are typically diluted in alcohol and water.   After the dilutions, there is hardly in poison left in most of the medicine.

Aconite's primary usage in homeopathy is as a fever reducer and treatment of flu and pneumonia.  This medicine has a cooling effect on body which helps to relieve conditions such as fevers and colds.

Aconitum is also used as an homeopathic ointment to the skin that will create a pain-relieving numbing sensation. It is used for treating joint pains from rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia. This remedy is also used to treat nervousness, emotional trauma, fear and anxiety since it helps calm down people.

Aconitum has been transformed from a medieval poison to a modern medicine that helps to treat a wide range of ailments.

Hamamelis Virginiana: The Witch That Cures

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Nov 09, 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Tags: Hamamelis, Hamamelis Virginiana

Hamamelis Virginiana

Hamamelis virginiana is a species of Witch-hazel plants native to eastern North America, Nova Scotia west to Minnesota, and south to central Florida to eastern Texas. The bark and leaves were used by native Americans in the treatment of external inflammations. The forked twigs of Witch-hazel are preferred as divining rods. Pond's Extract, a brand of beauty and health care products, was a popular distillation of the bark in dilute alcohol. Commercial witch-hazel, an astringent liniment, is an alcohol extract of witch-hazel bark. Witch-hazel oil has been used in medicines, eye-washes, after shave lotions and salves for soothing insect bites, burns and poison ivy rashes.

Hamamelis Virginiana is primarily used in homeopathy to relieve symptoms of varicose veins and hemmorhoids. This medicine chiefly effects the veins and capillaries. Varicose or dialated veins may be present in esophagus (esophageal varices), rectum (hemorrhoids), abdomen, legs, scrotum (pampiniform plexus) of veins. Veins dilate, elongate and become tortuous and bleed easily. Secondary uses of this medicine are for menstrual disorders, diarrhea relief and bruises or wounds with continuous bleeding.

This medicine can be taken internally or used externally.  Internally this medicine is taken in a pills or a liquid. The remedy is used externally as an ointment.  Hemmorhoids are rubbed with the ointment to promote healing.

Hamamelis treats a wide range of ailments including varicose veins, hemmorhoids, menstrual disorders, diarrhea and continous bleeding.  This is why Hamamelis is called the witch that cures.

Passiflora Incarnata: The Passionate Homeopathic Remedy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Nov 08, 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Tags: passiflora, passiflora incarnata


Passiflora incarnata, commonly known as Maypop, Purple passionflower, True passion flower, Wild apricot, and Wild passion vine, is a fast growing perennial vine and the State Wild Flower of Tennessee. In 1569, Spanish explorers discovered passion flower in Peru. They believed the flowers symbolized Christ’s passion and indicated his approval for their exploration. 

In cooking, the fruit of this variety is sometimes used for jam and jellies. The fruit can be eaten out of hand and when encountered makes a very tasty snack. Historically it was a favorite of colonial settlers of the South and Native Americans.  The dried, ground herb is frequently used in Europe by drinking a teaspoon of it in tea.

Traditionally, the fresh or dried whole plant has been used as homeopathic medicine to treat nervous anxiety and insomnia.  The chemicals in passionflower have calming, sleep inducing and muscle spasm relieving effects. Studies have shown that Passiflora can reduce symptoms of anxiety, sometimes as effectively as some prescription medications.

Secondary uses of this medicine include gastrointestinal upset related to anxiety or nervousness, relieve from symptoms related to narcotic drug withdrawal, psychiatric disorders hysteria, asthma, symptoms of menopause, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), palpitations, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, and pain relief.

Passiflora is used topically on the skin for hemorrhoids, burns, pains, swellings (inflammation) and maybe rubbed into the skin to promote relaxation.  Passiflora is the passionate homeopathic remedy because to helps to promote relaxation and restfulness.

Chamomilla: The Plant Doctor

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Nov 05, 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Tags: Chamomilla, Chamomile


Chamomilla also known as Matricaria recutita, pineapple weed or German camomile, is an annual plant usually grows near populated areas all over Europe and temperate Asia. It is widely introduced in temperate North America and Australia. Chamomile is sometimes known as "the plant doctor", because it is thought to help the growth and health of many other plants, especially ones that produce essential oils.

Chamomile has demonstrated moderate anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-platelet activity, and anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer activity. Chamomile is also used cosmetically, primarily to make a rinse for blonde hair, and as a yellow dye for fabrics.  It also taken as a tea.  Chamomile tea provides rest and relaxation.  It actually helps people go to sleep.

Chamomile is used primarily in homeopathy to treat sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, colic and as a gentle sleep aid.  . Secondary uses include treatment of toothaches aggravated by cold air and warm food, painful menstrual periods with severe cramping and a feeling of anger or restlessness, extremely painful ear aches and teething pain in irritable children.

Chamomilla is a plant that treats a wide variety of ailments.  This plant helps to grow other plants.  This healing property is also used a medicine.  This medicine comes in a tea form and as a homeopathic 

Hylands Teething Tablets Recalled

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Nov 03, 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Tags: hylands teething tablets recalled, hylands recall

hylands teething tablets

Hylands, a large manufacturer of homeopathic medicine, has recalled Hylands Teething tablets.  This is a voluntary recall of a very popular teething tablet for children. 

Hylands teething tablets contain the following four homeopathic remedies which are Calcarea phosphorica, Chamomilla, Coffea cruda and Belladonna in a lactose based pill.  The first three substances in these medicines did not contain in toxicity.  However, the Belladonna seem to show toxicity. 

The FDA and Hylands believe there maybe some Belladonna toxicity in the tablets.  Belladonna is a poisonous substance that homeopathy dilutes.  Properly diluted homeopathic belladonna is harmless.  However, Hylands and the FDA believes that Belladonna may have not been properly diluted.

Children were complaining about dry mouth after taking the teething tablets.  Kids were showing other signs of Belladonna toxicity such as dilated pupils, blurred vision, light sensitivity, confusion, rash and constipation  This lead to the investigation by the FDA and Hylands on this product.  Hylands has voluntarily recalled this product. 

All Hylands teething tablets should be returned back to the manufacturer.  The medicines should be discarded if your children are taking them. Parents should contact Hylands via the web or call 877-496-5044 for replacements or refunds. The customer service call center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cina: Gift to children from queen of Persia

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Nov 03, 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Tags: cina

Cina is native to a wide area ranging from the eastern Mediterranean to Siberia. Cina has been used for treatment of intestinal worms, seizures, muscular spasms, insomnia, colds, violent coughs, fever, and temper tantrums in children. Cina is named after Artemisia, the queen of Persia in the 4th century BCE who was renowned for her botanical skills, this family of plants has been valued by many medicinal traditions. Artemisia cina was identified as a remedy for intestinal worms by the ancient Greeks, and its active constituent, santonin, is still used in worm medicines.

Cina is primarily used as a children's remedy, and is given for intestinal worms as homeopathic remedy. Symptom of worms in body could be felt as pinching pain in the belly, which may be bloated. There is an urge to grind the teeth at night, and to pick the nose and scratch the rectum, which are both itchy. The appetite may be nonexistent, enormous, or changeable, with potential cravings for sweet foods. There is often intense irritability and great restlessness.  Cina is also an affective homeopathic treatment for temper tantrums, extreme irritability in children, especially chubby ones with variable appetites. Tantrums may be due to being scolded or to worms. Symptoms such as teeth-grinding maybe present.

Secondary uses of Cina include coughs, insomnia, seizures, muscle spasms, and muscle twitches associated with great irritability. Those affected cannot bear to be touched, held, or even observed. Restlessness, a frantic state of mind, picking the nose, and grinding the teeth are typical symptoms.




Ledum Palustre: From Gout to wounds

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sat, Oct 30, 2010 @ 01:37 AM

Tags: ledum palustre


Ledum Palustre commonly known as Marsh Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea or wild rosemary, is a native of northern Europe. It is also found in British America along the Canadian lakes. Ledum has been used in northern Europe as a popular remedy against whooping cough, bilious attacks, and skin disease like leprosy and pemphigus. The whole plant is used in medicine.

In homeopathic medicine it is used for back problems, bruises, injury and trauma, joint, muscle and nerve problems. Ledum helps heal  insect bites and rodent bites, black eyes, punctured wounds such as those caused by nails, hemorrhages into the anterior chamber of eyes after surgery, contusions of eyes and lids and bruising pain.

Ledum is a homeopathic remedy for both acute and chronic gout and rheumatism. Rheumatism and gout causes throbbing pain in various joints like wrists, fingers and toes. In acute condition the joints are swollen and hot. Inflamed parts are red or pale and worse at night. In chronic condition, the joints are swollen and very painful. These painful hard nodules first occur in joints of feet (toes and ankle) and then in arm (elbow and hand joints). Rheumatism and gout begin in lower limbs and ascend.

Ledum Palustre homeopathic action also helps in skin symptoms due to injury or loss of vital heat. It also helps in acne on forehead, facial eczema, itching on feet and ankles. It is helpful in resolving intense itching of feet and ankles that gets worse from scratching and warmth of bed. Ledum Palustre also helps in long remaining discoloration after an injury.

Cinchona Officinalis: Greatest Anti-malarial drug

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Tags: cinchona, cinchona officinalis

cinchona officinalis

Cinchona officinalis, or Quinine Bark, is one of the rainforest's most famous plants and most important discoveries in Amazon Rainforest. This plant is used for the production of quinine, which is an anti-fever agent. Since mid-1600s Quinine bark was used as anti-malarial drug. It was also used for fever, indigestion, diarrhea, flu, mouth and throat diseases, and hangover. There are a number of various other products which are made from this tree, and they include cinchonine, cinchonidine and quinidine.

Scientists have studied the effects of quinine and cinchonine on cardiac patients for several hundred years. They have found that these chemicals regulate heart palpitations and normalize heart functions. The compound quinitidine is a prescription medication still used by cardiologists. Legend has it that the name Cinchona came from the countess of Chinchon, the wife of a Peruvian viceroy, who was cured of a malarial type of fever by using the bark of the cinchona tree in 1638. Scientists later isolated the quinine and cinchonine, and then began producing a powdered bark remedy.

Typically, the cinchona officinalis can be harvested without destroying the tree, and once the bark is removed, it will regenerate after a few years. Scientists have not found a way to synthesize the quinitidine compound, so the natural ingredient in cinchona officinalis remains essential to homeopathic and herbal healing.

Cinchona officinalis is an effective homeopathic remedy used as a tonic for nervous exhaustion,digestive aid to stimulate digestion and appetite, for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, headaches, leg cramps, colds, flu, and indigestion, and for its astringent, bactericidal, and anesthetic actions in various other conditions to heal liver, spleen, and gallbladder problems. In addition to being a great homeopathic remedy to fight malaria, they also used it for toothpaste, mouth and throat diseases, and to fight cancer.

Homeopathic Vaccinations

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Oct 26, 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Tags: immunizations, homeopathic vaccinations

vaccination resized 600

Less parents are getting their children vaccinated.  Some children are allergic to vaccines. Vaccinations have shown to have bad side effects for kids, cause allergies and some studies have shown a link between autism and vaccinations.    However, there is no proof that vaccinations cause autism. 

Homeopathic vaccinations should never be a substitute for regular vaccinations.  Homeopathic vaccinations have very little proof of preventing many child hood diseases such as whooping cough, small pox and others.  Initial survey with homeopathic vaccines do seem to suggest that they do offer some protection to children.

A survey was done with English homeopath Issac Golden.  Children from infancy were take medicines in a kit that contained the nosodes for whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, mumps and Haemophilus, tetanus toxin and Lathyrus sativa (for polio).  The parents were to give a dosage schedule and gave the nosodes in the potencies of 200C, 1M and 10M.  Surveys were sent to all parents of these children to see the results.  879 surveys were sent out.  2% of these children contacted the disease.  188 children were exposed to diseases.  This makes the homeopathic vaccination failure rate at about 11%.  The disease was mild in all cases and the children fought off the disease.  No adverse side effects were reported by the homeopathic vaccines.  

It appears the homeopathic vaccination offers some protection but more studies need to be done.   Medical vaccinations offer better protection.  If your child is allergic to vaccinations or has really bad side effects, homeopathic vaccinations may offer an alternative to medical vaccinations. 

Lycopodium Clavatum: Solve your Abdominal problems

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Oct 25, 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Tags: Lycopodium, Lycopodium Clavatum


Lycopodium clavatum, also known as Stag’s Horn or Wolf Paw Clubmoss is widespread in northern temperate, sub arctic and alpine environments. Lycopodium clavatum is an ancient species resembling some of the earliest plants to live on land. A powder is prepared from the spores of the Lycopodium pollen, which has many commercial uses including as an explosive for special effects in the film industry.

Lycopodium acts through the nerves of sympathetic nervous system and on the mucous membranes, liver, blood vessels to producing excessive lassitude and decrease the tone, debility to solve abdominal and urinary disturbances. This is suitable to persons with extremes of age, children and old people.

It is used in homeopathic medicine today to treat minor skin wounds or with complexion pale, old looking, thickened, wrinkled skin, acne, freckles, and brown spots. It is also used as a topical application for wounds to stop bleeding. The spores are still medicinally employed by herbalists, both internally and externally, as a dusting powder for various skin diseases such as eczema and dental caries or to prevent chafing in infants.

Lycopodium is said to be useful for all complaints of the urinary problems, dyspepsia, constipation with ineffective urging, excessive flatulency, protrusion of rectum during stool, hemorrhoids, and in reproductive organs for inflammations and hardening of the testes. It could be used to reduce kidneys stones with straining to pass water and kidney infections. It is also been used in throat affections, some cases of right-sided lung infections where resolution is delayed, rattling of mucus, and hollow cough with extreme exhaustion.

Bryonia Alba: The Anti Pain Medication

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 22, 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Tags: bryonia alba


Bryonia is also known as white bryony. They are native to western Eurasia and adjacent regions, such as North Africa, the Canary Islands and South Asia. Bryonia alba, sometimes referred to generically as white bryony, is a flowered, vine-like plant that originates in England. White bryony grows throughout England and in the United States, where it was taken and cultivated as a homeopathic herb.

In the early 1900s, Bryonia alba root was prescribed in tinctures for respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and pneumonia as well as to induce vomiting, but this usage is no longer recommended. Modern homeopaths also use highly diluted and specially prepared formulations of the original herb or substance. Herbal remedies use diluted tinctures or teas from the original herb therefore Bryonia alba, are safe to use in homeopathic applications.

As a remedy in homeopathic medicine, Bryonia alba root is used as an anti-inflammatory. It is commonly used in homeopathy to treat back pain, sciatica, neck pain and other general aches and pains. In some cases, it appears to be at least as effective as, if not more effective than, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in treating inflammation and pain.

Bryonia is helpful for aches and pains, abdominal pain, acute back spasms, sciatica, colic, coughs, fevers with chills, gas, heartburn, indigestion, headaches, flu with aches and pains. sprains, and pulled ligaments. Bryonia alba is used in homeopathic remedies to treat pain that is relieved by resting or lying down, irritability, dry cough, overall weakness and certain types of headaches. pains associated with coughs and sore throat with dry hard spasmodic coughs.  Bryonia is an anti pain medication in homeopathy that can be used for a wide variety of ailments.

Thuja Occidentalis: The Tree and Medicine of Life

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Tags: thuja occidentalis, thuja ointment

thuja occidentalis


Thuja occidentalis also known as Eastern Arborvitae, Northern Whitecedar is an evergreen tree. The endemic occurrence of this species has a north-eastern distribution in North America. It is thought to be the first tree of that region to be cultivated in the area in and around Europe.

Several reviews describe the botany, constituents and some pharmacological properties, and the use of this herbal substance in the treatment of the common cold. Thuja is rich in vitamin C, therefore Native Americans and early European explorers used it to treat scurvy, hence the name Arborvitae, "Tree of Life". The name arborvitae or "tree of life" dates from the 16th century when the French explorer Jacques Cartier learned from the Indians how to use the tree's foliage to treat scurvy.

Thuja occidentalis is widely used as an ornamental tree a.k.a. 'Emerald Green. Thuja is one of the primordial trees is also used in craft, construction as well as medicine. The leaf oil is distilled from boughs and used for perfume and medicines. The essential oil within the plant has been used for cleansers, disinfectants, hair preparations, insecticides, liniment, room sprays, and soft soaps. There are some reports that it could made a soup from the inner bark of the soft twigs. Others have used the twigs to make teas to relieve constipation and headache.

In homeopathic medicine, Thuja has been used to treat bronchial catarrh, urinary problems, bladder infection, skin problems like psoriasis, uterine cancers, menstrual period irregularities and arthritis.  Other conditions treated are skin complaints such as oily skin and weak nails, urethral and vaginal infections, headaches from stress or excitement, warts, excess sweating, tooth decay, and swollen gums.   Today, it is mainly used in homeopathy as mother tincture, ointment or dilution.  In modern medicine, thuja is used with other immune system modulating plants as evidence-based therapy for acute and chronic infections of the upper lungs and as an adjuvant to antibiotics in severe bacterial infections such as middle ear infection, sinus infections, and chest pain.

Homeopathy Lower Potencies Versus Higher Potencies

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Tags: homeopathic potencies

homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy is a controversial system of medicine where many medicines use highly diluted substances to treat patients.  Some homeopathic dilutions and medicines are so dilute that they exceed Avagardo's number. 

Avagardo's number is a constant which says substances still have molecules to a certain point.  Any substance diluted past avagardo's number is said to contain nothing other than water.  Homeopaths believe water has a memory so medicines past Avagardo's number still retain the substance in the water. 

Many homeopathic potencies go above Avagardo's number.  Homeopathy believes that more dilute a substance, the more powerful it is.  This is counter intuitive to modern medicine. Homeopathic medicines that go above Avagardo's number are 24X or 12C.  Common remedies used by homeopaths that are below Avagardo's number is 1X,3X,6X, 6C and 12X.  These remedies are generally used when someone initially start a homeopathic treatment.  Another common homeopathic remedy for homeopathy is 30C.  This is well above Avagardo's number. 

Homeopathy was invented before Avagardo's number.  Samuel Hannahman did not really know that this number existed.  Theories existed about this number.  1926 was when the exact number was pretty much found.  If Hannahman knew about this number, would his theories have changed?

Does the lower potencies produce better results in trials?  I found no evidence of this.  I did see a lack of research on whether using lower potencies give patients a better result than higher potencies.

Homeopathy lower potencies seem scientifically possible while other higher potencies exceed Avagardo's number.  However, higher potencies seem to show as good as a result as lower potencies.  More research is needed on this topic.

Homeopaths Without Borders Revisited In Haiti

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 15, 2010 @ 12:51 AM

Tags: homeopathy in haiti, homeopathy without borders

Homeopaths Without Borders went on some initial missions to Haiti when the first earth quake struck.  The homeopaths were meet with open arms.  The patients were treated with homeopathy for minor ailments such as burns, cuts, bruises, allergies and other things where surgery was not required.  Many patients were treated and help with homeopathic treatment. Medical doctors in Haiti was pleased to have the homeopaths treat the less critical patients.  Medical doctors had the opportunity to help treat the critically ill.  

The situation in Haiti has improved.  Hopital Francais, a private hospital in Haiti, said they no longer need homeopaths to treat thousands of patients as they did last time. Haiti still has hundred of thousands of people living in tents so medical care for people is still necessary.  Haiti is completely dependent on foreign donations for survival.  A new team of homeopaths went to Haiti in July.  This team went to help patients with medical care needs at St. Vincent's hospital for handicapped children.  Currently children and adults are housed here. 

Homeopaths without borders is looking to train Haitians to treat themselves with homeopathy.  There is a plan to establish a homeopathic clinic in Haiti.  Homeopathy training would be available to Haiti nurses to treat conditions that homeopathy can treat. 

This mission was less critical than the previous one but just as important.  Homeopathy can help Haiti become self sustainable in health care.  There will be continued care at Saint Vincents hospital on a rotating basis as well.  Continued education on homeopathy will be happening as well at medical institutions in Haiti.

Homeopathic Remedies For Hyperacidity

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Oct 12, 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for hyperacidity


Hyperacidity is a common stomach ailment.  This is commonly confused with a belly ache.  However, they are totally different. Hyperacidity is the body putting too much stomach acid to digest food.  This excessive acid causes stomach discomfort.

There are many causes of hyperacidity including stomach ulcers, ibuprophen or other medications that affect the stomach, stomach cancer, acid reflux disease, eating too much fatty food and drinking alcohol.

Pepcid Ac is the common over the counter drug to fight hyperacidity.  Pepcid Ac stops the stomach from pumping stomach acid.  This does provide some relief.  However, it does not fix why the stomach is shooting too much acid into the stomach to begin with.

One homeopathic remedy to fight hyperacidity is Natrum Phos.  Natrum phos is commonly know as sodium phosphate.  This remedy helps with acid neutralization.  The remedy helps the stomach realize that their is too much acid.  The stomach naturally learns to stop producing the excessive acid.  This is used for upset stomach.

Carbo Veg is another remedy that is used for hyperacidity.  The remedy is commonly used for burning hyperacidity.  The stomach will feel really sensitive.  Loss clothing around the abdomen will make the person feel better.  

Nux vomica is the final remedy that we will list.  This remedy is for people that do not exercise and eat unhealthy.  Much of the hyperacidity is cased by over eating.

Try to match your symptoms to these remedies.  Take the remedy in a 6X potency.  Take 3 times a day with a dosage of 3 to 4 tablets.  

Lifestyle changes can help with hyperacidity.  Exercising regularly and eating 3 healthy meals per day really help keep hyperacidity under control.  Drinking at least 8 tall glasses of water per day also improves digestion.  Limiting alcohol and fatty foods will help.

If there are some other remedies to recommend for hyperacidity, please list them in the comments section. 


Ruta Graveolens: The holy water and the holy medicine

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 08, 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Tags: Ruta Graveloens

ruta graveleons

Ruta Graveolens is also known as Common Rue and Herb-of-grace is a species of herb. Rue is a symbol of regret, sorrow and repentance.  Catholics used sprigs of it to sprinkle holy water on worshippers. Rue is an attractive bluish green shrub, and a standout in the herb garden. An attractive plant, rue is often grown in a pot on the patio. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and also as a medicinal herb.

Common Rue is native to southern Europe and northern Africa. It is apparently no longer found in the wild, but occasionally escapes from gardens and naturalizes along roadsides and waste areas in North America and Europe, especially in the Balkans.  Rue does have a culinary use, although they are bitter in large quantities. Small amounts of Rue leaves added to cream cheese, salads and egg dishes impart a pleasant musky flavor.  Rue leaves and berries are an important part of the cuisine of Ethiopia and is also used as a traditional flavoring in Greece and Mediterranean countries. The plant produces seeds that can be used for porridge. The bitter leaf can be added to eggs, cheese, fish, or mixed with damson plums and wine to produce a meat sauce.

Rue has been used as a medicinal and "antimagic" herb for centuries. It was considered a reliable defense against witches. Dogs and cats hate the smell of Rue. The dried and crushed leaves can be an effective insect repellent. The Rue leaf was the model for the suit of clubs in playing cards.

In homeopathic medicine, Ruta is used to relieve gas pains and colic, improve appetite and digestion, tendon, bone, and joint pain, strained muscles and tendons, weakness, burning, stinging pains, eye injuries, sciatica, sharp back spasms, ganglion cysts, tennis elbow, eyestrain, and bruises due to falls or blows.  Rue can also be made into an ointment for external use against gout, arthritis, rheumatism and neural pain. Therefore, Ruta Graveolens is used as symbol in holy water and is a holy medicine.

Homeopathy News Stories Trend Negative

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Oct 07, 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Tags: homeopathy in the news

news media


Homeopathy has been in the news lately in the UK.  Most of stories have been on the negative side.  There has been a push in the UK by certain organizations to get homeopathy removed from the national health care system.  The media has covered these stories.  These stories usually have a negative story to tell about homeopathy.

Most media outlets such as Fox News, BBC News and others post negative stories about homeopathy about 70% of the time.  15% of the stories are neutral.  15% of them are positive.   This is the generally rule.  However, not all media outlets are like this.  The Huffington post has about 70% of their articles positive for homeopathy. 15% neutral and 15% negative. 

Some of these organizations even perform their own homeopathic experiments in the case of 20/20 or partner with other organizations such as BBC who partnered with horizon to perform an experiment.

20/20 was trying an experiment in homeopathy in 2004. This was to tell if scientists could decipher the difference between water and a highly diluted homeopathic histamine.  They were trying to reproduce a successful experiment with dilute histamine that shows a reduction of basophils, a type of white blood cell that increases in numbers during allergy symptoms.  Dana Ulman was helping to supervise this experiment. UK homeopaths were helping to supervise this project.  Things for experiment were looking fine but all of sudden the homeopaths did not want the experiment to continue.  The experiment used Ammonium chloride which killed the basophils.  Producers on 20/20 knew major changes were made from the experiment that they were trying to replicate.  However, they still reported the experiment failed and homeopathy is nothing but mere water.

  BBC reported an experiment run by Horizon.  They were reproducing the same experiment as 20/20.  They asked scientists to make a comparison to see which item was homeopathic histamine and which one is just mere water.  They tested these against white blood cells.  James Randi was also involved in this experiment.  His one million dollar challenge was on the line.  Scientists could not tell which one was homeopathic and which one was just water.  This experiment was conducted correctly following proper protocol.

Why are most news in homeopathy negative?  Is the media bias?  Has there been any more reproductions of the histamine dilution experiments? 

Homeopathy Books To Help You Get Started

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Oct 04, 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Tags: homeopathy books, homeopathy guide

materica medica


Homeopathy has quite a bit of information that one needs to study to self treat.  Potencies, abbreviations and how homeopathy works can be confusing.  Homeopathy has been unchanged for the last 200 years.  Homeopathy has made a come back.  More people are using homeopathy than ever before.  Many people who want to try homeopathy are not sure how to get started.  We are recommended two books to help.   

Boericke Homeopathy Material Medica by William Boericke

This book gives information on most homeopathic remedies.  This gives relationships between remedies.  Does not really give too much information on prescribing but this is a great book to start with.

Complete Guide To Homeopathy by Dr. Andrew Lockie and Dr. Nicola Geddes

Very visual book with many pictures.  Describes dosages for certain type of conditions.  This book does describe potencies and how much dosage of medicine should be used.  Homeopathy constitutional types are discussed in detail.  Talks about 80 common homeopathic remedies plus this describes 112 lesser know remedies.  It also describes nutrition, supplements, special diets and herbal remedies.  It also has a great guide on consulting a homeopath. 

These books are available online at most book stores such as amazon, barnes and nobles and others.

Are there any other books that should be recommended?

Three More Entries Into Homeopathy Links Blog

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 01, 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Tags: homeopathy links blog, homeopathy links

3 more news articles have been added to the homeopathy links blog.

BBC: Homeopathic Vaccines Are Not to Be Trusted.

Treating like with like: Lawrence community increasingly turns to homeopathy /

Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression

Go to the homeopathy links blog to vote for your favorite article.

Pulsatilla Nigricans: Best for both mental and physical health

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Sep 30, 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Tags: Pulsatilla, Pulsatilla Nigricans

Pulsatilla Nigricans
The use of Pulsatilla for medicinal purposes dates back to Ancient Greece when it was used to cure weepy eyes. In Roman times, it was used for eye infections, cataracts and tooth decay. Pulsatilla Nigricans was originally only found wild in the very north of Europe including Scandinavia but has since spread to all but the very southern parts of Europe. This medicine produces beautiful deep purple flowers with orange centers The whole fresh plant is gathered and made into a pulp, and liquid is extracted and diluted to make the homeopathic remedy.  
It is used to treat a wide variety of disorders with both physical and mental symptoms. It is used for colds and coughs, sinusitis, eye infections with discharge such as styes and conjunctivitis and digestive disorders such as indigestion and heartburn.
There are many other symptoms that Pulsatilla is used for such as hayfever, sore throat, chicken pox, mumps, measles, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fevers that alternating between being hot and cold, migraines, headaches, backache, varicose veins, earaches, toothaches and insomnia with restless sleep with many dreams and nightmares.

Women who have a mild, passive nature and are kind, gentle and loving usually use Pulsatilla. The person yields easily to the requests and is a peacemaker who likes to avoid a scene. The remedy is helpful for female disorders in which there are a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. These include premenstrual tension, menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, cystitis with accompanying symptoms of mood swings, depression and tearfulness. It is a remedy for swollen glands, inflammation and pain in the bones and joints as in rheumatic and arthritic disorders, nosebleeds, acne, frequent urination and incontinence.

Pulsatilla is used for a variety of ailments which lead to better physical and mental health. 

Schuessler Cell Salts Theory

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Sep 28, 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Tags: Schuessler Cell Salts

Cell Salts

Schuessler Cell Salts are very popular in homeopathy. These homeopathic medicine treat a wide variety of ailments.  There are 12 cell salts that are used in homeopathy.  A combination of these cell salts are also popular.  These are called bioplasma or cell salt combinations.  

Dr. W.H. Schuessler states that the body depends on these cell salts for balance.  If illness occurs, the cell salts are out of balance. Taking the appropriate cell salts helps put the body back into balance.  The cell salts help the body to manipulate vital nutrients to promote proper healing.

These 12 homeopathic remedies are cell salts:

Calcium Flouride

Calcium Phosphate

Calcium Sulphate

Ferrum Phosphoricum also know as Iron Phosphate

Kali Muriaticum also know as Potassium Chloride

Kali Phosphoricum also know as Potassium Phosphate

Kali Sulphuricum also know as Potassium Sulphate

Magnesium Phosphate

Natrum Muriaticum also know as Sodium Chloride

Natrum Phosphorus also know as Sodium Phosphate

Natrum Sulphuricum also know as Sodium Sulphate

Silicea also know as Silicon Dioxide.

Cell salts are taken in lower potency when treating disease.  Cell salts are generally taken in a 3X or 6X potency.  Cell salts treat a wide range of ailments ranging from cramps, muscle soreness, joint inflammation and joint pain.  Cell salts are also used to treat common ailments such as colds, coughs, acne, fatigue, headache, insomnia and indigestion.  

The cell salts to use for certain conditions will be discussed in another blog entry.  Schuessler Cell Salts treat a wide range of ailments using a theory that the body is out of balance.  Using the correct cell salt can put the body back into balance.  Once the body is back in balance, the illness is gone.    

Homeopathic Ointments versus Creams

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Sep 27, 2010 @ 09:47 PM

Tags: homeopathic ointments, homeopathic cream

homeopathic ointment

There is some confusion between homeopathic ointments and creams.  People ask what is the difference between homeopathic ointments and creams?  Is one better than the other?  Which one should I use?  This article will help to answer some of these questions. 

Ointments are oil base topical applications.  This means the product has a higher oil ratio than water.  The oils typically used for homeopathic ointments are lanolin, petroleum or olive oil.  Creams are water based applications.  This means that there is a higher ratio of water to oil in creams than in ointments.  Ointments are slower to absorb into the skin.  This is desirable for some medical conditions.  Creams are generally easier to apply to a large area of the body.  Creams are absorbed quicker by the skin.  This makes creams ideal for acute conditions such as rashes.

Creams and ointments are pretty much the same medication.  A calendula ointment will work the same as a calendula cream.   The ointment maybe better if you want the medication to absorb into the skin slowly.  The cream will be better if there is a large area to apply the treatment.   

Depending on the condition, a cream or ointment may be appropriate.  Preference is also a factor to consider.  Some people prefer an ointment for their ailment.  Creams are prefered by other users.  Ointments are ideal for conditions where the medication needs to be absorbed slowly. Creams should be used a treatment where the skin needs to consume the medication quickly.  In many cases, it will not matter which cream or ointment to use.  If your medication is correct, this will not matter that much.

Nux Vomica: Ancient poison turned in modern medicine

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Sep 24, 2010 @ 10:43 AM

Tags: Nux Vomica

nux vomica plant

Nux vomica is the name of an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, especially India and Myanmar, and cultivated elsewhere.  Its dried seeds or beans, and sometimes its bark are used in herbal remedies and homeopathic medicines. The seeds contain organic substances, strychnine and brucine.  Strychnine is a poison that in doses of 5 milligrams can be dangerous. Since the seeds contain strychnine, the native tribes in South America have also used extracts for centuries as a poison for the tips of arrows.  The homeopathic version uses a very dilute solution of Nux vomica therefore it is not poisonous and is used in many treatments.

In traditional Chinese treatment of cancer, it was used in combination with other herbs. Nux vomica was used in small amounts in traditional Chinese herbal treatments for liver cancer and numerous other health problems such as swelling reduction, pain reduction, and to treat abscesses. Some physicians used Nux vomica in the treatment of stomach cancer in the late nineteenth century.  Today, it is rare to find any form other of Nux Vomica other than the homeopathic preparation. Nux Vomica in homeopathy is diluted and has a low dosage of Strychnine.  This makes homeopathic Nux Vomica safe for consumption.

Nux Vomica alleviate indigestions, stimulants the bowel movements and cures chronic constipation.  It is used as a healing tonic and appetite stimulant. Nux Vomica increases the flow of stomach juice. It improves pulse and raises blood pressure and can be used as a tonic for the circulatory system in heart failure. It is used to decrease itchiness and as a local antiseptic.

Nux vomica is also recommended for upset stomach, vomiting, abdominal pain, hangovers, heartburn, insomnia, certain heart diseases, circulatory problems, eye diseases, depression, migraine headaches, nervous conditions, problems related to menopause, cold and coughs and respiratory diseases in the elderly.

Homeopathic Remedies For Cramps

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Sep 22, 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for craps

muscle cramps



Cramps are caused by too little oxygen to the muscles.  These spasms can be painful.  Cramps happen when laying in an uncomfortable position, dehydration in muscles due to excessive heat, overuse of muscles, pregnancy and lack of flexibility in your muscles.

Mag Phos is the homeopathic remedy used during acute and sharp cramps.  Mag Phos is a cell salt.  Many cramps are caused when excessive sweating is present.  The body losses salt through sweat.  Mag Phos helps to add back the lost salt during muscle spasms.  This remedy also helps with cramps in the stomach,face and cramps caused during pregnancy.  Take mag phos 6Xabout 3 times a day, 4 tablets per serving for about 10 days.

Arnica montana is used to treat cramps in muscles due to overuse.  Too much weight lifting may cause muscles to become weak without enough rest.  Arnica helps these muscles to recover quickly and avoid cramping.  Use Arnica ointment to treat the muscles.  Rub them into the sore muscles to help.  Arnica 6X can also be taken, if some muscles can not be rubbed well. 

Cuprum Metallicum is used to treat cramps in the leg and feet muscles.  These remedy is popular with sport athletes. These cramps start with excessive weather or sudden temperature change. The remedy should be taken in a 6X potency for ten days, 3 to 4 tablets per serving. 

These medicines help to stop cramps and help lessen the severity.  However, some things must be done on the user end to prevent cramps all together.  Going on a regular streching program will help avoid cramps.  This increases oxygen to the muscle.  Going for a massage will also help ease cramps. Massages can also help increase blood flow and work out the cramp from your system.   Monthly massages will help increase flexibility in your muscles.

Homeopathy on Bing

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Sep 21, 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Tags: homeopathy on bing, single remedy searches on bing

microsoft bing

Rewriting microsoft search engine has worked to a certain extent. Bing has taken over yahoo as the second most popular search engine on the Internet according to the Nielsen Company.  Bing now occupies 13.9% searches on the Internet with yahoo share being 13.1%.  Google holds about 65%.

Going through our logs over the past several years.  Hmedicine has see much more Bing usage.  Three years ago, Google generated about 60% of our traffic.  Yahoo generated 10%.  MSN traffic was 2.3%.  Now the traffic has not changed to much as far as Google and Yahoo goes.  Google is still 60% of our website traffic.  Yahoo is 10%.  Bing has jumped incredible to 8%.  In three years, they have more than tripled the amount of traffic coming to our website.

The two main words that people find our site is Bing is homeopathic medicine and homeopathic remedies. I have seen some other searches on single remedies such as coffea crudea lead to traffic as well.  The homeopathy user community seems to be adopting this search engine to a certain extent. Many people believe Bing search results will mirror Google a few years from now.  Bing is going the route of the way Google use to be.  They are making their searches global and not customized.  Bing search engine is open so people can extract information from it easily.  Bing also now powers yahoo search.  There is no point in using both search engines since they are giving the exact same results.

Do you see Bing catching up with Google?  Can their growth continue?  Have you had good results with Bing or do you find the searches on Google more accurate? 

3 News Links Added To Homeopathy Links Blog

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Sep 17, 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Tags: homeopathy links blog

  Just added 3 new links to our homeopathy links blog.

Vote for your favorite links.

Homeopathic remedies to combat sugar craving.

What is homeopathic medicine and why is it so effective is some cases?

Choosing the correct potency for a homeopathic remedy

Hypericum Perforatum: The Healer of Depression

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Sep 17, 2010 @ 01:45 PM

Tags: Hypericum Perforatum, Saint Johns Wort, Herbal Medicine

hypericum perforatum
Hypericum Perforatum pictured above.
Have you ever felt that you’re sleeping more or less than usual, eating more, feeling restless, loss of energy and interest in daily life, feeling hurt easily, feeling guilty excessively, losing interest in activities and have trouble concentrating? The Hypericum Perforatum homeopathic medication could be right thing for you!
Hypericum Perforatum is most commonly known as St. John Wort is a wild yellow flower grown throughout most of the United States. It has been used for medical purposes in many parts of the world for thousands of years.  Hypericum is also found in oil and spray form which helps treating cuts and bruises, first degree burns, sunburns, relieves nerve pain, shingles, and muscle strains.  The homeopathic medicine is also used in alleviating stomach upset when taken by mouth. Hypericum could be used in bladder troubles and suppression of urine and diarrhea.  
Homeopaths generally use hypericum to treat injuires and provide pain relief.  Herbalist use this medicine to treat depression and mood disorders.  Today, St. John's Wort is being studied to alleviate mood disorders and anxiety. More than 30 clinical studies have been conducted over the past 22 years.  Short-term studies suggest that St. John's Wort is more effective than placebo, and equally effective as Tricyclic antidepressants, medication used by doctors to treat depression. The first line and most common drug of choice prescribed by doctors for depression is SSRI. However, the FDA has been aggressively warning us that SSRI's are increasingly linked to liver disease, sleep problems, and sexual side effects. Therefore from the scientific research St. John's Wort revealed fewer side effects and also may be just as effective as SSRIs.
Hypericum Perforatum (St. John’s Wort) could be used for many symptoms of depression. Backing with scientific evidence that St. John's Wort is helpful in treating moderate depression and it is a safe homeopathic medicine to use on skin, muscle, stomach, and bladder.  This is the reason why currently Hypericum is used by millions of people around the world.

Homeopathy Usage and Expenditure List

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Tags: homeopathy usage, homeopathy spenditure

This power point presentation shows % of people using homeopathy in four countries which are France, India, US and UK.  This also shows the total cost of homeopathy per country.  Interesting data.

Simply double click the link to download the power point presentation.

Homeopathy Usage and Spenditure

What does this data show?  Why does each country have such differences when it comes to homeopathy?

The Homeopathy Golden Remedy Calendula

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Sep 15, 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Tags: calendula, homeopathic uses fo calendula

Calendula Plant

Calendula plant

Calendula officinalis is known as Pot Marigold because of its goldish petals and for its varied use. This plant is widely cultivated and can be grown easily across the world. It is also commonly used in cooking as both a flavoring and coloring agent in soups, cheeses, garnish and as homeopathic medicinal herb in Roman, Arabic and Indian cultures.


The use of Callendula comes from its gold petals and pollen because it contains antibacterial, antioxidants, and antiseptic properties. Calendula is a great homeopathic antiseptic. Germs cannot thrive in the presence of Calendula. It is used for painful wounds, un-healing wounds, gaping wounds, neglected wounds, and torn wounds.  Calendula prevents early scab formation at the wound site and stimulates the growth of skin and helps to stop scars. It also promotes healing after dental work.

Calendula is the gold in homeopathic remedy because the whole plant has many uses starting from petals to pollen and leaves and branches is essential. Calendula has been used medicinally for centuries. The extracts prepared from them are used in hundreds of products such as soothing teas lotions, for antisepsis, chapped skin, tooth aches, and insect repellent. The extracts contain soaps and essential oils therefore it can be used in creams and ointments to soothe skin and sprained muscles. Furthermore, the leaves and stems also contain Vitamin A.

Apart from many uses it is also has importance in cancer therapies. Medical evidence was shown by a study done in women receiving radiation therapy to the breast for breast cancer reports that calendula ointment applied to the skin at least twice daily during treatment reduces skin irritation, redness, and pain. In women it was also shown to give soothing relief during and after delivery.

In summary, Calendula is wonderful to have around the house in many forms, as a cream, in tincture, ointment form due to its varied uses.  It is definitely gold of homeopathic remedies.

Google Instant Search On Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Sep 14, 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Tags: instant search on homeopathy, homeopathy searches

Google has just introduced a new type of search.  This is an instant search where google fills in the search.  The search is customized to each invidual user.  Each user will get different search results.  The question becomes how will the google instant search change the user experience.

Let us do a common search for homeopathic remedies.  This is what happens now.  As you are typing this long tail key word, different results show up as I type.  I typed home which show home depot and things not relevant to the search.  I keep typing though.  I type homeopath which actually shows me all of the search results for homeopathy. I further type homeopathic which gives me search results for that word.  I finish typing homeopathic remedies which gives me the final results.  I typed one word but I received the relevant results for homeopathy and homeopathic before I received the search results for homeopathic remedies.

I am not sure if this instant search really helps the user that much.  If I wanted results on homeopathy and homeopathic, I would have typed that in.  I am also seeing more local business on my searches.  Google is pointing me to local homeopaths in my area as I type for homeopathy and homeopathic.  This is good if you are looking for a homeopath in your area.

I did another search on kali phosphoricum. I got search results form kali which was not relevant.  I did get good search results from kali phos.  This is pretty much what I needed.  In the future, searches need to be optimized for abbreviated items since instant search will automatically show these.  I finished the phrase to get my final search results.  Once I received the results from kali phos, I did not really need to finish my search.

Google has stated the instant search will not change google pay per click and organic search listings that much.  However, it will be difficult to gauge search rankings since every user will get different results on their search.

Tell us what you think of the google instant search.  Has it made a difference when you are searching for things?  Have you noticed more local results?

Homeopathic Remedies For Scars

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sat, Sep 11, 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Tags: calendula, homeopathic remedies for scars

Scars are a common occurrence for most people.  Many wounds do leave a scar mark.  While most scars are not life threatening, they certainly do not look attractive.  We are going to list some homeopathic remedies below that you should use to prevent scarring if you have a  cut.  Keep in mind if the cut is too deep, stitching maybe needed to prevent scaring. 

Calendula is the most popular homeopathic remedy for scars.  This remedy is generally applied as an ointment.  Calendula can also be applied as an oil or mother tincture.  The remedy can also be taken in pills to help prevent or lessen the scars.  Calendula is usually applied to small cuts.

Graphites is used to treat scars from skin issues such as acne or eczema.  Graphites helps heal the skin back from the disease state that it was in.  Graphites ointment or creams are often mixed with calendula to help with the skin disease and heal the cut. 

Causticum is a treatment for burn scars.  After the burn happens, causticum tablets should be taken immediately.  Causticum is not readily available in an ointment or cream form.  Causticum can be applied to the skin in liquid form.

These are the main remedies in homeopathy to treat scars.  They should be taken topically as an ointment or mother tincture in a 1X form if possible.  If they are taken orally, choose a 6C potency.

Please list some other remedies to treat scars in the comment section.  I have just listed a few.  I am sure everyone wants to know what other remedies are out there.

Searching for homeopathy on Google

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Sep 02, 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Tags: Homeopathy Trials, homeopathy searches

This article will focus on proper ways to search for homeopathy information on the google search engine.  You will get more out of the search if you follow these tips on the search.

  For example of a search is using explicit search.  I look for homeopathic trials.  In google, I put "homeopathic trials" in the search.  The double quotes make this explicit.  I received content with the words on homeopathic trials.  

Now, I want a more specific search.  The Homeopathic trials were too generic.  I put in the search "Homeopathic Trials" + "Double Blind".  I now get double blind homeopathic trials in my search.

I also needed some documents on homeopathic trials for the research that I was doing.  I put this in the search.  "homeopathic trials" filetype:doc.  This gives all microsoft word documents on homeopathic trials.

This is a common search for me.  I want to get information on homeopathy but I want to exclude all of things related to homeopathy as being quackery.  I put into the search "Homeopathy"-"Quackery".  I get the information on homeopathy omitting all the quackery.   

Looking for a definition of a remedy.  Type define:ruta graveolens.  This will give you a basis information on ruta without overwhelming with too much information.  

You can you these simple search tips to get more effective information on homeopathy without getting overwhelmed with information or getting incorrect information.

Tell us your search tips in the comments on finding information.

Referenced from

Placebo Effect in Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sat, Aug 28, 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, Placebo Effect

homeopathy medicineA new study was done to see if the placebo effect is greater in homeopathy than conventional medicines. Researchers went through literature to match homeopathy trials to conventional trials.  These trials matched classical homeopathy trials.  In classical homeopathy trials, each remedy is individualized for each person and condition.   

Some matches had to be excluded for the data because insufficient amount of data.  Other matches were excluded because there was not a sufficient match on the conventional side to compare against.  Similar criteria was evaluated for each trial.  25 trials were evaluated.  13 trials showed the placebo effect in homeopathy to be more than conventional medicines.  12 trials showed the placebo effect in conventional medicines to be greater than homeopathy. The researchers found that the placebo effect in homeopathy is no greater than in conventional medicines.  

Homeopathy success rate in clinical trials is about 44%.  Roughly half of the trials in homeopathy are successful.  These trials include both classical homeopathy and combination medicine homeopathy in the trials.  Homeopathy has been successful in the following areas.  These trials have been replicated a couple of times as well.  The study groups in most of these trials are small.

The following treatments that homeopathy seems effective for in clinical trials are childhood diarrhoea , fibromyalgia , influenza, osteoarthritis, seasonal allergic rhinitis , sinusitis  and vertigo.

The treatments that homeopathy are not good for according to clinical trials are  anxiety, childhood asthma, insect bites  menopausal symptoms in breast cancer , migraines , muscle soreness, post-operative bruising, swelling, rheumatoid arthritis  , stroke , upper respiratory tract infection and warts.  Trials for these were either negative or inconclusive.

This basically shows that homeopathy's placebo effect is not stronger than conventional medicine.  People had theorized that homeopathy trials had a higher fail rate in trials because of a greater placebo effect than conventional medicines.  


The Wonder Plant Arnica

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Tags: Arnica Montana, Homeopathic Arnica

arnica montana

Arnica Montana is also known as Leopard's bane, wolf's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica. Its orange-yellow flowers and the rootlets are naturally therapeutic. It’s grown in herb gardens found across many European countries.  It has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s.

The plant also contains derivatives of Thymol, which may have anti-inflammatory effect therefore it has many uses in reducing pain and swelling and promoting healing by increasing circulation to the blood vessels. Arnica Montana acts best on skin with debilitated and impoverished blood. When applied on skin it helps circulation to relax blood vessels. This promotes tissue regeneration and healing.

Arnica Montana contains a toxin call Helenalin, if ingested by mouth in large quantities, could be very harmful because it causes gastroenteritis and internal bleeding in digestive tract. Even though it’s seldom used in the ingested form, it has some diuretic effects and it is chiefly used in low fevers. 

Homeopathic preparations of this drug are diluted to the point where it is not toxic any more. These are safe for digestion.  Homeopathic preparations come in the forms of liquid and pills. Creams and ointments forms are more commonly used as a homeopathic medicine.

Arnica used in its external form is extremely useful in promoting healing by increasing blood flow to areas that are injured. This medicine is primarily used to treat strains, sprains, rheumatic pain, inflammation from insect bites, and bruises. Professional athletes with swelling due to fractures also frequently use commercial preparations.  Athletes often carry arnica with them to help with muscle soreness.

Homeopathic Remedies For Hemmorhoids

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Aug 25, 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for hemmorhoids, hemmorhoid treatment


hemorrhoids resized 600

Hemmorhoids is a skin conditon that causes painful and swollen veins in the rectum area.  These veins can become itchy and painful when sitting.  There may also be pain during bowel movements.

Homeopathy has a wide range of remedies to fight this condition.  Some may be taken internal.  Other ointments and creams may help fight the hemmorhoids externally.

The most common cause of hemmorhoids are straining during bowel movements.  This is commonly caused by constipation.  Constipation causes the veins to be bruised and inflamed.  This causes the hemmorhoid.  Other causes of hemmorhoids include sitting to much, anal infections and possible liver disease. 

The most common medicines to treat hemmorhodis  are

Hamamelis Virginiana

  Hamamelis should be taken if you have a bruised anus.  The hemmorhoid may bleed.  Applying warmth to the affected area makes things worse.

Aesculus Hipposcastanum

  Aesculus needs to be taken if the hemmorhoid feels itchy.  Sharp shooting pain the rectum area is usually felt.

Aloe Socotrina

  This remedy is used to for severely swollen hemmorhoids.  The hemmorhoids protrude out like a bunch of grapes.


  Hemmorhoids that are large and itchy.  This is a chronic condition accompanied with constipation.

Try these remedies in a 6C potency.  Take up 4 pills about 4 times a day.  Do this for about a week.

  Of course with the condition of hemmorhoids, remedies that fight constipation should also be considered. 


Alumina helps stool pass without sweeling your veins. This is used when little or few stools pass.  Sluggish stools occur.  A craving for fruits and vegetables.  Prefers not to eat meet or drink beer.

Nux vomica

Seems like their is a need to pass stool but nothing comes out.  People that have a not active lifestyle and have a poor diet need this type of remedy.

Try these remedies in a 6C potency.  Take up every couple hours upto 10 doses or the constipation eases.

Diets high in fiber also help ease constipation symptoms.  This is a long term goal.  It is easy to get more fiber in your diet.  Try brown rice instead of white rice.  Have wheat bread instead of white bread.  Take oatmeal for breakfast instead of sugary cereal.

Hemmorhoids can be treated with homeopathy.  There are several remedies that can be used.  Match your symptoms closest to the remedy that you need.  Lifestyle changes will stop the hemmorhoids from coming back.

Is Homeopathy Against Vaccinations

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Aug 24, 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, vaccinations

  Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed well before vaccines came on the market.  Homeopathy is an all natural form of alternative medicines that uses diluted substances to treat a disease. 

Vaccines are made from a weakened microbe of the disease such as whopping cough.  These vaccines are injected so the body can easy fight off the infection.

Homeopathy and vaccines are similar in this regard that they both use diluted substances for treatment.  Homeopathy does dilute many medicines to the point where there is no substance left.  However, the slighly diluted substances in homeopathy would be similar to a vaccine. 

There is a misconception that all homeopaths are against vaccinations.  This is certainly true in some cases.  This blog show an entry of a homeopath against vaccinations.  However, Dr. Peter Fischer, the homeopath to the queen, has said homeopathy is in no way against vaccinations.  

Vaccines have help to eradicate diseases such as measles, small pox and whooping cough.  Most children's immune system can fight off diseases on their own, the vaccines do reduce the suffering.  Some children are not strong enough to fight the disease.  This vaccine helps save these children lives.

The controversy with the vaccines start with a trial done by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in England.  He say there is a link between vaccines and autism.  However, this study was later found to be flawed.  They found the researcher manipulated data and broke other ethical codes.  Dr. Wakefield is now in the US.  He says that  he still stands by his study. 

Subsequent studies found no link between autism and vaccines.  However, these studies were not as large as the Wakefield study. Let us also remember that Dr. Wakefield did not recommend not getting your kids vaccinated.  Wakefield had suggested that kids not receive all their vaccines at once.  He recommended giving the kids one vaccine at a time per month. 

The US government has compensated victims of vaccination.  See the article below.

However, the US still states there is no correlation between autism and vaccines.

Do vaccines cause autism?

Why are some homeopaths against vaccination? 

Is the Wakefield trial flawed?

I look forward to your comments.

Treatment with Rhus Toxicodendron

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Tags: Rhus Tox

poison ivy plant

Rhus Toxicodendron is a very popular homeopathic medicine.  It is often called Rhus Tox for short. Rhus tox is made from the poison ivy plant itself. The plant is picture above.  It is generally hand picked and then diluted. The dilution process removes most of the poison ivy out of medicine.  There are trace amounts of poison ivy left in various potencies.  The poison ivy plant is easy to identify.  Each leaf on poison ivy and poison oak has three small leaflets. The middle leave is longer than the other two leaves.  The poison ivy plant is found all throught out most of the eastern United States. In the west coast, a close cousin of poison ivy called poison oak is found there.

 Rhus tox is used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Rhus tox is most famous for treating outbreaks of poison ivy. Rhus tox comes in ointment, liquid and pill form to help treat poison ivy.  Since poison ivy produces an inflammation, Rhus Tox is commonly used to treat conditions with inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Rhus tox in the lower potencies with less dilution are used to treat conditions such as poison ivy.  Rhus Tox 4X is the common potency for poison ivy pills.  Higher dilutions such as Rhus Tox 200C are generally used to treat conditions such as arthritis. 

Rhus tox is also used to treat other various conditions such as  restlessness, sprains, burning discharges, dehydration, ailments of skin and joints, sciatica, back pain, chicken pox,  flu, skin rashes, sore throat, and stiff upper back and neck. People who use this remedy show restlessness, indifference, and sadness. These people often better with warmth and walking, and worse at night during sleep

Rhus Tox can be used for a wide variety of things and aliments.  All homeopathic medicines are individualized.  Start with a low potency when you begin a treatment.

Largest Homeopathy Trial In Cuba

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Aug 15, 2010 @ 02:09 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, infectious disease

A very large homeopathic trial has been done in Cuba.  This trial shows evidence that a highly dilute substance, prepared according to homeopathic principles, may help stop the spread of Leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis (also known as Weil's Disease) is a contagious disease carried by rodent and caused by bacteria called spirochetes. People contract the disease through contact with contaminated water. 

Leptospirosis usually happens during heavy rainfall.  Rodents become more active and the bacteria spreads to the drinking water.  In late 2007,  Cuba only had enough Leptospirosis vaccine to treat 15,000 people. Cuba decided an alternative approach using homeopathy.  Homeopathy could easily treat most of Cuba's population.

The homeopathic medicine was given to the 2.3 million population of the provinces usually worst affected with an outbreak. Within a few weeks the number of cases had fallen significantly.  The provinces that did not receive the homeopathic treatment did not see a drop in the outbreak.  Homeopathy was tried again in 2008 to prevent this infectious disease.  Homeopathic remedies were given to the areas that are generally most affected by Leptospirosis.  A significant drop was seen again. This was the first time Leptospirosis had seen a drop during heavy rain fall season.  The provinces that did not take the homeopathic medicines saw increase in the infectious disease.

This trial is still not yet confirmed.  Observers are going through the trial to make sure things are accurate.  If the trial is confirmed, it shows homeopathy can be effective in stopping certain infectious diseases. 


Homeopathy Wins In The United Kingdom

Posted by Admin on Tue, Jul 27, 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Tags: Homeopathy in UK, Homeopathy wins

homeopathic medicine

The National Healthcare Service(NHS) will continue to fund homeopathy.  The Commons Science and Technology Committee claimed that trials in homeopathy show that they are no better than a placebo.  They claim that the NHS is funding tax payer money for a sugar pill.

The British Medical Association backed the committees report.  They say all homeopathy referrals should be removed from the NHS.  Homeopathy medicines should not be sold as medicine on pharmacy shelves. The BMA voted on the issue of homeopathy at their last conference.  Most doctors voted against in favor of supporting homeopathy.  However, some doctors thought homeopathy was a good alternative for some patients.  They said many medicines used today are unproven.  It would be unfair to prescribe unproven medicines and not prescribe homeopathic medicines.     

The UK Health minister has said patients should have the choice to choose the treatment that they feel is appropriate for them. Homeopathy does not pose a risk to patients.    

This system of medicine has been on the NHS since 1948.  There are four homeopathic hospitals in the United Kingdom.  Patient satisfaction is quite high with this form of treatment. UK spends about 4 million pounds a year on homeopathy.  This is an extremely small amount of money in the NHS budget.  The NHS budget is more than a 100 billion pounds.

Homeopathy Remedy Hunt In The US

Posted by Admin on Thu, Jul 22, 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Tags: finding homeopathy in the US

homeopathic store fronts

   Homeopathy is not as popular in the US as it is through out Europe.  However, it is still a 2 billion dollar industry.  Single remedies are definitely hard to find in the US.  Combinations medicines are much easier to find.  In this blog entry, we are looking to see where we can find homeopathic remedies.

The picture above shows the popular store fronts that I went to in search of homeopathic medicines.  These are national stores. Most of them can be found through out the country. 

I went into the GNC inside the mall.  This is a mini GNC.  Larger stores may have more selection of homeopathic products. I did not find any single remedy products.  I found a bunch of Hylands combination remedies such as Nerve Tonic, Leg Cramps, Calms Forte and Arnica ointment.  I also found BHI traumeel and Bach rescue remedies.  The most surprising discovery was GNC had their own manufactured homeopathy products.  They had their own GNC homeopathic nerve tonic as well as their own Arnica.

The next store I went to was Vitamin Shoppe.  I was expecting to find quite a bit of homeopathy here since it a health food store.  I was disappointed with the single remedy selection.  They had many of the most common single remedies in a 6x, 6c, 30x, 30c potency.  They also had all the homeopathy cell salts in a 6X.  There were no other potencies.  The single remedies were only in a small size.  I was really astonished how much homeopathic combination medicines were available. They had pretty much every combination product from Hylands, Boiron, Nelsons, Similiasian, king bio and natur bio.  They also had some brands that I was not familiar such as Dent tox, and Vaxa. 

The next store was cvs pharmacy.  No single remedies to be found here.  I did not find any homeopathy products other than cold remedies.  These included Boiron products such as oscillococcinum, cold calm, sinusalia and Zicam cold products such as cold remedy and sinus relief.  I was also shocked to see CVS making their own version of oscillococcinum.

The final store was Walmart.  No single remedies but quite a few homeopathic combinations remedies were found.  Hylands had the most combination products.  I found teething, calms forte, ear drops, nerve tonic, restless legs, children cough syrup.  Other brands included  Similisian eye drops and ear drops, Zicam allergy, Zicam cold relief and Zicam congestion and Boiron oscillococcinum.  Walmart had homeopathic remedies pretty much scattered through the store.  The other stores that I visited had a section for homeopathy or the remedies were in one area.

  In conclusion, homeopathy combinations seem to be available through many US store fronts.  Some stores offer large selections than others.  Single remedies are hard to find in the US.  They are not as readily available as the combination products. 

Homeopathy May No Longer Be Covered in Germany

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Jul 13, 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, homeopathy in Germany

    Homeopathy which was invented in Germany by physician Samuel Hannaheman.  He came up with the idea because he was fed up with the medicine that he would have to give to patients.  Often times, the medicines given to patients would do more harm than good.  He came up with this idea of like cure like.  The medicines would have no side effects and be diluted so that it would not harm the person. This type of alternative medicine has flourished all over the world.  Homeopaths can be found through out all of Europe. 

Homeopathy is very popular in German.  Half of state insurers in Germany cover treatments.  Germany is also facing a health care crisis.  Germany will not be able to cover their health care costs.  They are looking to cut anything that they deem not to work.  

Karl Lauterbach, the centre-left Social Democrats’ chair on the Bundestag health committee, has said insurers should not use public money to pay for homeopathic treatments.  The director of federal joint committee for doctors and insurers, Rainer Hess, stated that Germany should not pay for unproven medical treatments such as homeopathy.

homeopathic medicine

  However, politicians in Germany have prevented any legislation from passing to prevent treatments for now. The leader of the German medicines assessment body, Jürgen Windeler, says proof in homeopathy is well documented.  No more proof is required to deem this treatment as effective. 

The cost is also very minimal.  Removing homeopathy from the German health care system will not solve the health care crisis for Germany.  Medicines are very cheap and cost effective.  Pharmacetical drugs are 10 times the cost.



Homeopathy Targeted In Debate On Health Care Spending


Homeopathy Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Jul 01, 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Tags: homeoapthic treatment for plantar fasciitis

  Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. A picture of the plantar fascia is below.  The red area shows the inflamed fascia.  This can lead to serious foot pain. 

    There are various treatments that help with plantar fascitis.  Homeopathic treatment can offer pain relief form an inflamed plantar fascia.  

  Some popular homeopathic remedies for plantar fasciitis are hypericum perforatum.  This remedy helps relieve inflammation in the foot.  Hypericum is commonly know as Saint John's wort. The remedy should be taken orally in a 6X potency.  It should be taken 3 times a day with a dosage of 3 to 4 pills.

Thuja Occidentalis is another popular medicine for plantar fasciitis. This remedy is used to reduce aching feet and heel pain.  This helps feet that are tired and sore. This remedy is usually rubbed into the feet via an ointment.  

  Other remedies that are used for foot pain are Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveleons and Arnica Montana.  An ointment containing Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveleons and Arnica Montana can be found.  This can be rubbed into the feet as well.  

Homeopathic ointments can be found in either a lanonline and petroleum base as well as an olive oil base.  The olive oil base is more expensive.  However, olive oil is know to have some pain relief qualities.  Some people do opt to use the olive oil oinment due to its healing properties.  

Some other non homeopathic treatments to help with plantar fasciitis are foot massages.  You can do this yourself or go to a massage therapist. Ice baths for aching feets help relieve inflammation.  Orthodontics also help with foot support to get rid of the plantar fasciitis.  Stretching your calves, help ease the foot pain.  Stretching offers more elastic to the fascia which will leads to reduce pain.  Resting the feet by not running or walking help ease the inflammation.  Go swimming to get your cardio exercise, if you have aching feet.  Once your feet starts feeling better slowly resume your normal walking and running activities.  Start with 25% of your normal activity to start.  Slowly start increasing this activity.  Stop the activity if the feet start to hurt again.

  Homeopathic remedies can offer some relieve of an inflamed fascia without having the side effects of conventional medicines.  A combination of homeopathic pills and ointments offer a great way to relief plantar fasciitis.  



Tips To Beat The Summer Heat with Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Jun 21, 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, summer heat

  The summer is upon us.  This may be one of the hottest summers on record.  Many people have heat stokes and other heat related illnesses.  These tips should help you survive the heat.


1)  Drink plenty of water.  

  Water will keep you hydrated.  Drink at a minimum 8 cups a day.  Also keep some water with you at all times.

2)  Stay out of the sun at peak heat times

  The sun rays are strongest around 12pm-3PM.  Stay indoors during this time to avoid the sun.

3)  Use a natural sunblock to protect your skin.

  Make sure to get a natural sunblock.  Avoid sunblock with oxybenzone.  Apply sunblock even if you are not in the sun for too long.

4)  Take Byronia or Glonoinum in a 30C if you experience heat exhaustion.

  If you are feeling sick from the sun, get into a cool place if possible.  Drink some salty water or gatorade.  If you are feeling nausea or a headache that is caused by the slightest of movements take Byronia every 5 minutes up to 10 doses.

  If you have a hot face, sweaty skin and throbbing and splltting headache, take Glonoinum 30C every 5 minutes up to 10 doses.

  If you are still feel sick, go to the emergency room.

5)   If you do happen to burn your skin from the sun, apply calendula ointment to the burn.  This should help reduce the amount of pain from the burn.  

 6)  Treat insect stings with ledum and apis.

   Bugs come out in force during the summer months.  Everyone tries to avoid them but insects seem to sting every one.  If a sting is swollen, bruised and and painful use ledum in a 6C potency every 8 hours for 3 days.  This will help reduce the pain.  If the sting is hot, red and swollen, take apis 30C every 15 minutes up to 6 doses.


Complete Guide To Homeopathy

Dr. Andrew Lockie and Dr. Nicola Geddes

Homeopathy Trial on Breast Cancer

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, Homeopathy Caner Treatments

  Anderson Cancer Center

   A recent study conducted by the MD Anderson Cancer Center (pictured above) seem to suggest that homeopathy medicine may help fight cancer cells without destroying healthy cells.  The MD Anderson Cancer Center located in Houston was rated as the top hospital for treatment and research of cancer patients by US News and World Report.

   The study found that 4 homeopathic remedies may help with breast cancer treatment.  The four remedies and the potencies used were Carcinosin 30C, Conium maculatum 3C, Phytolacca decandra 200C and Thuja occidentalis 30C.  The remedies seem to kill breast cancer cells while not destroying healthy cells.  The strongest effect came from the Carcinosin and Phytolacca remedies.  These medicines seem to perform as well as paclitaxel (Taxol).  Taxol is the most commonly used chemotherapy drug used to fight breast cancer.  Taxol does destroy healthy cell as well as cancer cells. 

   More studies on homeopathic remedies to fight cancer will be conducted in the future at the Anderson Research Center. 




Frenkel M et al. (2010): Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells, International Journal of Oncology, 36: 395-403.


A Journal of Oncology Finds Homeopathic Remedies May Hold Benefit.   Mar. 2010. Christine Breen-Williams  Suite, 'A Tipping Point for Homeopathy' 21 February 2010

Tylenol Has Been Recalled

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, May 27, 2010 @ 10:47 PM

Tags: tylenol recalled, mcneil recall

  Many children Tylenol products have been recalled recently.  These products include Children's TYLENOL, Infants' TYLENOL, Children's MOTRIN, Infants' MOTRIN, Children’s ZYRTEC and  Children’s BENADRYL.  All these products are by McNeil pharmaceuticals.  They have a website dedicated to the recall.  There is a website called  They have information on how to return these medicines for a full refund.  You are not to use these medicines for consumption.

  The FDA inspected McNeil pharmaceuticals.  Upon inspection, the FDA found many issues with the way that the medicine was manufactured.  They did not meet the requirements for consumer safety.  The FDA warning letter  shows all the infractions.  They showed McNeil having poor quality control and possible contaminates into the medicines. These is simply a warning letter.

   A  homeopathy manufacturer was also warned by the FDA for having poor quality control.  Washington Homeopathic Products received a FDA warning letter in August 2009.  The FDA letters seem to be pretty similar for most violators. FDA does come down much harder on the second infraction.  If manufacturers do not start making significant changes after the first inspection, the FDA comes with the warning letter.  Most companies comply once the warning letter is received.  Washington Homeopathic has complied with all FDA requests.  McNeil pharmaceuticals is also making changes to make the FDA happy.  However, neither of these companies fixed their issues on the first inspections. I am really not sure why companies are not meeting the FDA initial requests.


Homeopathic Treatment For Kidney Stones

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, May 21, 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Tags: homeopathy for kidney stones

  Kidney Stones are a common problem today.  Kidney stones are formed by a formation of crystal.  Causes of some kidney stones are largely unknown.  However, some hereditary and environmental factors are likely the cause of kidney stones.  Kidney disorders and urinary tract infections are also likely to cause kidney stones.  Other possible causes include disorder of uric acid metabolism, gout, excess intake of vitamin D and calcium based antacids.

  Kidney stones symptoms include difficult urination, sharp acute pain in the kidney and abdomen region and possible nausea and vomiting.  Most kidney stones will pass by drinking plenty of water. You should always go to your doctor to make sure that you have a small kidney stone.  Your doctor will also try to determine the possible cause of the kidney stone.  If the stone is too large, doctors may use ultrasound to break up the stone.  

  Persons with kidney stones should drink 2 to 3 quarts of water per day. This will help the stone pass.  Some homeopathic treatments to help with small stones include mag phos 6X and cantharis 30C.  Mag Phos helps with the sharp acute pain of the stone.  Cantharis helps with the burning pain of urination.  Make sure to drink plenty of water while taking these remedies.

  Talk to your medical doctor about why the kidney stones are forming.  Most kidney stones do reoccur.  You and your medical doctor should develop a strategy on stopping reoccuring stones.  Drinking plenty of water helps stones from reoccuring. 

 Thanks to Dr. Mittal with the solution to the homeopathic treatment of kidney stones. 

5 Homeopathy Blogs Worth Reading

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, May 18, 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Tags: Homeopathy blogs

Top 5 Homeopathy Blogs That Are Out There


  We based this criteria on how much useful information that the blogs contain, how active they are and how many comments do they receive.

1)   Dana Ulman's Blog on the Huffington Post

   Interesting blog posts on homeopathy.  Many comments from supporters and skeptics.  Recent blog posts include Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Research, How Scientific Is Modern Medicine Really?
Do Antibiotics Make People Fat?

2)  Homeopathy For Everyone

  This blog is set up more like a magazine.  However, there are many interesting posts with this website.  Recent blog posts includes a homeopathic facial analysis.

3) Natural News

  This blog is set up for alternative medicines and natural health.  However, this blog contains quite a bit of information and news on homeopathy.

4)  Homeopathy Health Care Blog

  Homeopathy blogs that describes homeopathic remedies for various ailments.  The lastest blog entries are common homeopathic remedies for constipation, homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism and homeopathic remedies for hair loss.

5)  Homeopathy Coach Blog

  This is a blog based by a homeopath in Australia.  Her blog posts are interesting and helpful.  Lastest blog posts include can you simply choose health, a new approach to asthma with homeopathy and diet and treating insomnia with homeopathy.  

  Do you already subscribe to these blogs?  Which blogs are your favorite? 

Homeopathic Critic Simon Singh Wins Lawsuit

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, May 07, 2010 @ 12:35 AM

Tags: alternative care lawsuits, homoepathic critic

  Homeopathy critic and alternative medicine critic Simon Singh wins the libel law suit against him in English courts.  The British Chiropractic Association(BCA) was suing him for an article that he wrote.  The article was not particularly complimentary of Chiropractic care.

The BCA won an initial court trial.  The judge ruled the Simon Singh said the chiropractors knowingly were treating children with bogus techniques.  However, this case went to the appeal court.  This court ruled that Mr. Singh was just stating his opinions on chiropractic care.  The BCA discontinued this libel lawsuit once they had lost in a court appeal.  

Here in the US, this type of libel law is new to us.  In the USA, the plaintiff has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the statement is false before he is award any compensation.  In the UK, it is the opposite.  The defendant has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his statements are true.  Most libel cases in the UK get settled out of court.  It is just cheaper to admit guilt.  Fighting these cases to the end cost both parties more money than just making a settlement.    

Does this libel law exist because of the bad behaviors of the tabloids, magazines, newspapers and others.  The UK media is known to be very vicious.  Is this to make the tabloids think twice before running a piece that may be false?    

In my opinion, you should be able to state your opinion without getting sued.  There are just way too many bogus lawsuits for people just living their lives.        

10 Simple Ways To Make Your Company Green

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Apr 27, 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Tags: green companies, saving company money. homeopathy

  Last week was environmental week.  Earth day was April 22, 2010.  We sell many homeopathy, natural and organic products so keeping the earth in good shape is important to us.  I am going to list 10 simple things that our eccomerce company does to keep us green.  I believe other eccomerce companies and people could also use these tips because it save us money and preserves the planet.

1)   Using shredded paper for packing materials. 

   This method has been very environmentally friendly as well as wallet friendly.  We still use some packing peanuts but many orders use shredded scrap paper as packing material.  This paper was getting thrown away before being used as packing material.  We can even shred small scraps of paper that are cut from our labels.  When the shredder was originally purchased, the idea that it would pay for itself was never thought of.

2)  Use Water Filters Instead Of Buying Bottled Water

  Buying bottled water is expensive and not environmentally friendly.  In fact, bottled water is not held to as a high standard as regular drinking water.  The bottled water did taste better than tap water so our company purchased the bottled water.  However, recently a water filter was purchased for our company.  Taking plain tap water through the filter, made for great tasting water.  There was no need to spend all the money of the bottled water when the water filter makes the tap water into great tasting water.

3)  Reuse Packing Boxes That Are In Good Condition

  Our company was accumulating boxes like crazy since we order so many products.  It was getting to the point where we had no where to keep the boxes.  We were planning to trash them.   However, most of these boxes were in great conditions.  We have used these boxes to pack our packages.  If the box is in very poor condition, we have to throw away.  However, the majority of boxes are in good enough condition to use.

4)  Receive electronic statements for bills instead of regular mail.

  This has been environmentally friendly.  It also helps use keep track of important documents.  Many documents would get lost in the regular mail or somewhere in our office.  The electronic statements are easy to keep track of.  It also makes for easier bill payment as well.

5)  Print postage online instead of buying stamps or labels.

  We print all of our postage online including usps mail, ups and fedex.  This not only saves time but money as well.  USPS gives us a discount on electronic postage.  UPS and Fedex also give similar discounts as well.  You also do not need to stay in line to drop off your packages.  This is also environmentally friendly as well.  In the past, we would print our packing slips.  We would afterwords go add postage to our packages.  We no longer purchase a large amount of stamps which in turn saves the environment.

6)  Buying remanufacturer laser cartridges

   We have been purchasing remanufactured laser cartridges.  This saves us money and saves a cartridge from a land fill.  The cost is significantly less than a regular cartridge.  We have not seen any drop off in print quality with the cartridges.  We recycle our old cartridges so they can be remanfactured to someone else. 

7)   Buying recycled content paper for printing.

  We have been using high recycled content paper for our printing.  There have been no quality drop with this type of paper.  These papers are readily available.  Many consumers are moving to this type of paper because it costs less and no print quality difference.

8)  Storing important documents in digital storage

  We had a large file cabinet full of important documents.  Documents  would turn up missing.  The main reason is someone was using the document and did not put it back after they were done.  We moved many of our documents to electronic storage.  The best part is that multiple people can access the documents.  We scan documents that we can not get electronically.  People can go to electronic storage to access what ever they need.  We have a file cabinet now that does not hold any relevant information.  We can reuse this space in the office.  

9)  Use a fan to stay cool this summer. 

This can be done in the house or in the office.  You can change the temperature to 80F or 27C.  Small fans can be purchased if do not have the space to put a big fan.  Changing the AC from 75 to 80 saves significant amount of money and electricity.  The less we consume, the better it is for the environment. 

10)  Pay bills online. 

Most bank accounts include free online bill pay.  This also saves stamps and can help you accurately keep track of your expenses.  You can chart your expenses which will make paying taxes a very easy task. 

Homeopathy In Haiti Criticized

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Apr 22, 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Tags: homeopathy in haiti, homeopathy without borders

  I am seeing quite a bit of posts by skeptics attacking homeopaths in Haiti.  A group of homeopaths belonging to the group called Homeopaths without borders went to Haiti in February to help the Haitian population.  One scientist called this group Quackery Without Scruples.  Another scientist called Homeopathy will hurt people in Haiti.  They say homeopaths giving medical advise instead of doctors will hurt the Haitian people.  Another skeptic was criticizing the group because they had to travel to the Dominican Republic before reaching Haiti.  He said this group was so mismanaged that they could not even travel to the Haiti airport.  

  Being critical of homeopathy is a person's right to do.  This practice is not proved or disproved in large medical trials.  However, I think it is just despicable to say homeopaths are going to Haiti with the purpose to harm people with their quackery or they are mismanaging resources that people have given them to help the people of Haiti.  

  The lead homeopath for homeopaths without borders is a medical emergency room doctor.  Dr. Nancy Eos has 30 years of plus experience with emergency room care.  Her group never dealt with serious injuries or amputees.  The group set up two tents beside the clinic.  They had treated 2000 patients in 3 days.  The homeopaths were treating the walking and wounded.  The homeopaths were well received. No one has complained about their homeopathic treatment to date.  The hospital staff and the people of Haiti were very receptive to the team of homeopaths.  They treated things ranging from burns, physical trauma and injuries, fear, dizziness, headaches, urinary tract infections, eye problems and dehydration. 

Below is the picture of Haiti outside the medical clinic.

Haiti Clinic

  Other trips are planned to Haiti.  A free homeopathy clinic is in the process of being setup to help the people of Haiti.  An update on the March mission will be put up shortly.

Homeopathy Critic Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch Busted

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Apr 16, 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, quackwatch, Stephen Barrett

  Quackwatch is a popular skeptic website on alternative type medicines.  They have been critical of many type of complimentary therapies including homeopathy.  They have their own website dedicated to criticisms of homeopathy called  There are 25 websites run by the quackwatch organization.

Dr. Stephen Barrett owns these websites and masquerades as a consumer advocate and as a doctor.  Barrett has sued 41 people and/or companies in many different alternative medicine type of professions such as chiropractic and homeopathy.  He has not won a single case to date but he continues to file lawsuit after lawsuit.  In court, it was revealed that Dr. Stephen Barrett is not even a licensed medical doctor.  He had failed the psychiatric exam for certification.    

Many people believe quackwatch is run by a certified doctor and that information posted on these sites are factual.  Dr,  Barrett has spoke on cnn and the today show about quackery.  Stephen Barrett  has no formal legal training but claims to be competent in medical law.  Courts found quackwatch websites to be biased and unworthy of any credibility.

Stephen Barrett latest trial loss happened in his own hometown in Pennsylvania.  He was suing a chiropractor for defamation.  The judge threw the case out entirely after hearing that he had already sued 40 other people and organizations.  Quackwatch is having a great deal of financial issues.  Certainly suing so many people could not be cheap.  In 2008, his corporation in Pennsylvania was dissolved.  He has moved to North Carolina.  The quackwatch websites take donations.  Since they have no corporation, no one is sure where this money is going.  The website says these donations are going to website operations and research activities.  What type of research is this dissolved organization doing?  Does research activities mean frivolous lawsuits?  



Placebo Effect ReExamined

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Apr 07, 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, Placebo Effect

  There has been much controversy about the placebo effect and homeopathy.  Most skeptics believe that the placebo effect is really what is making the person feel better.  They believe that  homeopathy did nothing at all.

  Some recent trials were done with placebos.  The results were interesting and quite contrary to popular belief about placebos.  Out of 464  studies, 26 meet the researchers criteria about placebo trials.  The researchers wanted to see how much improvements patients made with their placebos.  Patients actually showed no improvements when taking the placebo for their conditions or diseases.  The type of condition or disease did not show any relevancy.  However, patients did show a strong relationship between treatment effect and placebo effect.  An example of this would pain relief.  Placebos seemed to be effective in this type of study since it is subjective.

   Further studies need to be done to confirm that the placebo effect is not as strong as once previously thought.  Larger studies will be done to get a conclusion on the placebo effect.


[P274] The placebo effect dependent on time? - A meta-analysis.  Cochrane Collaborative.


10 Little Known Facts About Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Apr 02, 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Tags: Facts about Homeopathy

  Homeopathy is the second most popular form of medicine today.  Homeopathy founder was Samuel Hannehman.  He was of German descent.  This practice was founded in 1796.  This article is going to list some little know facts about homeopathy.

1) Homeopathy has been used by the British Royal Family over several generations.  The royal family still uses homeopathy today.

2)  Homeopathy is part of National Health Service in Britain.  Homeopathy services are covered by this government service.  Homepathy has a high satisfaction rate among patients in the United Kingdom.

3)   The largest trial in homeopathy ever done was with Oscillococcinum.  The trial was done in two parts.  The first part was a prevention trial with 1100 people. It showed oscillococcinum does not prevent the flu. The second trial was with 700 plus participants to see if oscillococcinum would shorten the duration of the flu.  This trial showed oscillococcinum did shorten the duration of the flu by about 6 to 8 hours.

4)  75% of homeopathic sales are in combination remedies in the US.  The other 25% are with single remedies.  Combination remedies combine many homeopathic remedies to treat one condition.  Single remedies are used to treat specific conditions according to the person's needs.

5)  EU countries spend close to 1 billion dollars on homeopathic medicine.  Homeopathy is very popular in Europe.  France is especially popular for homeopathy.  Most pharmacies in France carry homeopathic medicines.

6)  India is the largest consumer of homeopathic medicines.  Close to 100 million people use homeopathy in India.

7) Many celebrities are homeopathy supporters.  These celebrities include Cindy Crawford, Cher, Tina Turner, Catherine Zeta Jones and Paul McCartney.  

8)  The market for homeopathic medicine continues to grow all around the world.  Skeptics have made many attacks to stop the growth.  However, growth still continues.  In the US, 230 million dollars worth of homeopathic medicines were sold in 1996.  Each year that number has grow by approximately 15% in the US.  

9)  Homeopathy medicines cost less than over the counter drugs.  They are also much less expensive than pharmacetical drugs.  The typically homeopathic medicine can be purchased at around $10.

10) Homeopathy uses several different types of substances to produce remedies.  Some substances are herbal such as Arnica. Other substances are poisonous such as Arsenic or Mercury.  However, all substances are diluted to the point that they will not harm the consumer.


  If you know some other facts about homeopathy, list them in the comments section.

Tips and Precautions For a Surgery

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Tags: Tips For Surgery

No matter how safe you know a procedure is, no matter how proven and how routine it’s become, there’s always an innate fear when you’re scheduled to go under the surgeon’s knife. You don’t know what to expect after the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, and you’re not really mentally prepared before they wheel you into surgery. I’ve been through three surgeries in as many years; none of them were for life-threatening reasons, but I still felt my heart pounding heavily all the same before I went under. But after the first one, I realized that you’re able to cope better mentally and recover faster physically if you know what to expect, how to take the necessary precautions, and think positively. So if you’re scheduled to go into surgery anytime soon, here are a few things to bear in mind:

Follow your doctor’s orders:

No matter what other people tell you to do, it’s best to stick to your doctor’s orders. Don’t do anything that they’ve advised you against and always talk to them before you include all kinds of vitamin supplements and health enhancements in your diet. If they’ve asked you to stop certain drugs, do so immediately. Following your doctor’s orders could be the difference between an easy and painful recovery, or even life and death, post surgery.

Make sure you’ve told your doctor all that they need to know:

You must be completely honest with your doctor so that there are no surprises during the surgery and during your recovery period. If you smoke, drink regularly or do drugs, now is the time to come clean. Show them your prescription if you are on any kind of medication, and also ensure that they know if you’re allergic to any drug or chemical substance.

Talk to your doctor about post-surgical care and recovery:

Some surgeries are easy to recover from; you’re usually home in a few hours or in a day and can resume normal activity immediately. Others are more complicated and you may have to stay in the hospital for a few days before you go home. You may also need someone to help you around for sometime before you regain total independence. So talk to your doctor about your options and arrange for a loved one to assist and support you through the process.

Follow your post-surgical instructions carefully:

Once the surgery is over, you may be in a certain amount of pain. While this will subside over the next few days, ask your doctor what you must do in case the pain becomes unmanageable and under what circumstances you need to call for emergency help. Follow instructions so that there are no untoward incidents hampering your recovery process. Don’t jump the gun in resuming normal activities or going to work. Allow your body and mind time to heal and relax before you resume your regular life.

A surgery need not be a frightening process if you’re well prepared mentally and physically, and if you have loved ones to support you throughout the procedure.

This article is contributed by Shannon Wills, who regularly writes on the subject of surgical technologist schools. She can be reached at email address:  She invites your comments and questions.

Top Alternative Websites

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Mar 21, 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Tags: websites, alternative medicine websites

Here are a list of interesting alternative type websites.

These 3 are place where you can get information on trials.

National Center of Complientary Medicines

 Show research and trials on alternative medicines.

US Government Clinical Trials

  Shows Up Type Of Trials are going on in the US.

Cochrane Collaborative

  Shows many well designed trials in homeopathy and other alternative medicines.

Homeopathy Specific Websites

National Center Of Homeopathy

  Helps people find resources of homeopathy in the US.  Has a doctors directory as well to help people find homeopathy in the US.

Homeopathy Home

  A great resource on homeopathy.  Has information about doctors, providers, resources and other pieces of information.

Homeopathy Remedy Finder

  Helps find the correct homeopathy remedy for usage.

Homeopathic Education Services

  Helps explain homeopathy to people.  Contains information for homeopathic practioners.

Other Alternative Medicine Websites

Holistic Healing

  Offers on many subject of alternative medicines such as yoga, herbal medicine and chinese medicine.

American Holistic Medical Association

  Integrating traditional health care with alternative type medicines.

Dr. Weil

  Dr. Weil website helps people with nutrition and alternative type medicines.

  If you know of any other good alternative medicine websites,  please list them in the comments below.

Homeopathic Skeptic In Legal Trouble

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Mar 15, 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Tags: Homeopathy in England, skeptics of homeopathy

  There have been many skeptics and doubters of homeopathy.  One of the more famous skeptics in homeopathy is Simon Singh. He was on BBC television citing numerous trials on homeopathy.  He stated all trials in homeopathy that he ever studied were failures when compared to a placebo

  He and follow skeptic Edward Ernst published a book called Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial.  The book was very critical of homeopathy.  Ernst and Singh also were offering a $10000 reward to anyone showing that homeopathy actually does work.  No one took them up on this challenge.  Homeopaths said this was a publicity stunt for their book.

  Singh did not get into legal trouble for his criticism of homeopathy.  He was actually bashing chiropractic care.  He wrote in one his articles that chiropractic happily uses bogus treatments to help children with ailments.  The British Chiropractic Association sued him for libel.  In the first trial, the judge ruled that in this article that Singh's intention was to show the chiropractors knowingly were dishonest in treating childrens' illnesses.  Singh appealed this decision.  Now an appeal court will hear Singh side of the story and what he was trying to convey in his article.  

  A charity Sense About Science has said English law of libel has no place in scientific disputes.  This group has launched a campaign to draw attention to Simon Singh's case.  Many people are afraid that criticisms of alternative medicine will not be possible if scientists are sued. The English libel law needs to be reformed according to this charity.  They also states that this is a free speech violation in England.  This organization is primarily funded by pharmacetical companies.

  The appeals have a long way to go.  This will be a land mark case in Great Britain.  I am sure everyone looks forward to the verdict.            

Homeopathic Remedies For Insomnia

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Mar 07, 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for insomnia

  Insomnia is a condition where some one is trying to get sleep.  However, they can not fall asleep for various reasons.  Either they are not having the oppurtunity to fall asleep or staying awake despite the oppurtunity to sleep.  There are various homeopathic remedies to help with these type of sleep issues.

  Coffea Crudea is used for sleepless and wide awake conditions.  Can not keep the eyes closed.  Too many thoughts in your head can cause sleeplessness.  The thoughts can be happy thoughts, worrying thoughts and problems you are trying to figure out.  Sleep is very light and can be awakened very easily.  This is the most common type of insomnia.  This is why coffea crudea is the most common homeopathic remedy for insomnia.

   Passiflora Incarnata is a homeopathic medicine for sleep if you are experiencing constant worries. Exhaustion causing sleeplessness.  Remedy is commonly used for insomnia in infants and the elderly.  

 Calcarea Phosphorica is used for sleeplessness for people with aching pains in their bones and joints.  These pains are causing sleeplessness.  The person may not be able to get up in the morning due to feeling really tired.  

  Lachesis Mutus is used to help with sleep during menopause. The person wakes up unrefreshed after sleeping and does not feel good after getting some sleep.

  Chamomilla is used to help infants and babies go to sleep.  Some babies or infants sometimes refuse to sleep.  Infants sometimes become restless and irritable caused by condition of tooth ache or colic. 

   Start these remedies in a 6X or 6X potency. Taking 3 to 5 pills approximately 3 times a day.  If you are on a prescription sleep medicine, please consult your doctor to make sure if you can stop taking that medication.




Skeptics Overdosing On Homeopathic Medicine

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Mar 01, 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Tags: homeopathy protests

 Skeptics in the UK are overdosing on homeopathic medicine to show that it has no effects as a medicine.  They believe this type of medicine is simply a placebo.  To proof this, they are protesting in front of popular drug stores that are carrying homeopathic products.

  Boot's pharmacy, a popular pharmacy chain in the UK, is the target of these attacks.  Boot's pharmacies are all over England.  They are easily accessible to many english people.  Skeptics are urging the store not carry homeopathic medicines along side pharmacetical drugs.  Boots standard medicine director has said  "The pharmacy follows the advise of the Royal Pharmacy of Great Britainon on complimentary medicine.  This medicine is used by the National Healthcare System(NHS) of England."

  Boots has no plans to stop offering homeopathic medicine despite the protests.  Almost 1 in 10 people in the UK have tried homeopathic medicines.  The popularity of these medicines seem to be growing despite the protests.

  Protests are planned by skeptics in other countries including Spain, Canada, Australia and the US.  

Trial Of Daily Multivitamin Use

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Feb 18, 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Tags: multivitamins, trials of multivatamins

  A study funded by the US government and administrated by Women's Health Inititative effort attempted to figure out if daily use of multivatimins would combat heart disease, bone health and cancer.  The study was done over a period of 8 years.  Data was collected from 40 doctors around the US on multivatamin usage.    The study had 161,808 participants in the trial.  The trial participants were women experiencing menopause.   

  Past multivatamin studies showed that there may have been a potiential benefit from taking a multivitamin daily.  These trials were small and less rigorous than the current trial.  Previous large and rigor trials showed getting vitamins and nutrients through fruit and vegetables does combat heart disease, helps fight cancer and improves your general health.  

  This trial showed no benefit in taking a multivatamin.  The multivatamin did not help with heart disease, bone health or fight cancer in menopausal women. Women who took stress vitamins that had higher doses of vitamin B and vitamin C did show a reduction of a heart attack by 25%.  However, this was a small group of 3,741 women.  This is certainly not conclusive evidence about stress vitamins.  

  There were not any reported harmful side effects with the vitamins.  The doctors found the multivitamins not too be harmful in any way to the body.  The doctors also did not recommend people to stop taking multivatamins.  

  The research confirms that people can not skip eating fruits and vegetables.  Many people take multivatamins so they do not have to eat fruits and vegetables.  People can continue take their multivitamins but they also should eat many servings of fruits and vegetables per day in their diet if they want to remain healthy


Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 

Multivitamin Use and Risk of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in the Women's Health Initiative Cohorts

Marian L. Neuhouser, PhD; Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, PhD; Cynthia Thomson, PhD, RD; Aaron Aragaki, MS; Garnet L. Anderson, PhD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH; Ruth E. Patterson, PhD; Thomas E. Rohan, MD, PhD; Linda van Horn, MD, PhD; James M. Shikany, DrPH; Asha Thomas, PhD; Andrea LaCroix, PhD; Ross L. Prentice, PhD

Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(3):294-304.



Homeopathy Links Of The Week Through February 12th,2010

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Feb 12, 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Tags: homeopathy links

Go to the homeopathy links blog and vote your favorite links.

 100 Useful Tools For Your Own Alternative Health Care

   Great resource guide on alternative health and medicine.

Women with Breast cancer Turn to Complementary  Therapies          

Women are using complimentary therapies with breast cancer
such as green tea and other diet supplements.

The case for homeopathic medicine by Dana Ullman.
Historical and scientific evidence of Homeopathy

Homeopaths Without Borders.

Updates from homeopaths in Haiti helping earthquake victims.

The Mystery Of HGH.
Discusses the human growth hormone and the benefits of it.



Lancet Withdraw Article Saying Vaccines Cause Austism

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Feb 05, 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Tags: Austism, Vaccines

  A British Medical Journal Lancet published an article saying that vaccines can cause austism.  Lancet recently recanted this article saying the research was bias and horribly inaccurate.

  Andrew Wakefield, the lead author of this study stands by the claims that is research is valid. Dr. Wakefield never claimed any scientific evidence of the link between autism and vaccines. The research just showed that young children given vaccines may have a tendency to develop autism.  Dr. Wakefield recommended that vaccines be given at least a year apart from one another instead of all together.  Dr. Wakefield himself stated that this was a small study with only 13 children and further studies were needed.  Wakefiield research was found to be unpopular with in the UK medical community.  

  Claims were made that the Dr. Wakefield fudged the data to reach his own hypothesis.   Allegations were made that he was paid by parents of children of autism and British trial lawyers to conduct this research.  10 of the 13 authors of this study say they no longer support their findings.  

  The British medical council found Dr. Wakefield and two of his colleagues of irresponsible and dishonest behavior and professional misconduct.   Subsequent studies linking autism to vaccination show no evidence that autism is caused by vaccines.  However, Dr. Wakefield has said there is another study that shows that there may be a potential link.  

  Dr. Healy is a physician, educator, and health administrator who was the first woman to head the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA.  She says more research needs to be done on this.  Officials have been too quick to dismiss that vaccines may cause autism.  There may be a suspectible group of children where vaccines are not safe. 

  Do you think Dr. Wakefield research is dishonest?  Do you think the medical community did not like his conclusions so they are trying to discredit him?  Why does the Lancet not review their articles before publishing?  What are your thoughts on vaccines in general?  This British medicial journal published an article saying the "End of Homeopathy." Most researchers found this research to be totally false but the Lancet never recanted that article. 


Providing Unique Relief Care To Haiti

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Tags: Haiti Earthquake Relief

  A terrible earthquake had struck Haiti.  The earthquake measured on the richter scale 7.0.  After shocks are continuing to measure 4.3 and upwards on the richter scale.  This earthquake has left 100,000+ of people died.  Many more people are homeless, without food or water and proper medical care.  There are many relief agencies helping.  However, relief will take some time.  We are going to list some of the agencies helping and what they do 

  Homeopaths without borders helps with medications to orphanages and instructs caregivers on how to give homeopathic medications into Haiti. These medications will be much easier to bring in and distribute than conventional medicines.  Homeopaths without borders has worked in other countries providing healthcare for the poor.  Once the security situation improves in Haiti, they will make a trip.

  Another agency helping is Doctors without borders.  These are doctors and nurses across 60 countries helping people in need of castrophe medical care.  Two weeks after the earthquake, the needs of this organization are changing.  Post operative care is needed more to prevent infection.  If minor wounds go untreated, they could become fatal.  Less amputation and emergency care is being done now.  Mental health care is now available to people so they can deal with this tragedy.     

  Other agencies included the Red Cross, Unicef and Samaritan Purses. The Haiti infrastructure is terrible.  Trying to get help to the people of Haiti is very difficult.   There is really no distribution system or security system in place in this country.  However, all of these agencies are trying their best to help the people of Haiti.

  If you know some other organizations helping in Haiti, list them in the comment section.

Pflueger Immuno Support Clinical Trial

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Jan 17, 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Tags: Pfleuger clinical trial

  Pfluger is a German homeopathic company that has just recently enter into the US homeopathic market.  One of their popular combination remedies are Immuno Support.  A trial was conducted to see if this Immuno Support is effective in treating acute repiratory tract infections.

  The Immuno support combination remedy consists of the following homeopathic ingredients which are Arnica Montana, Baptisia, Calendula, Echinacea, Ferrum Phos, Lachesis Mutus and Silicea.  Most ingredients are in a low potency such as 3x or 4x.

  Fifty patients has received the Pfleuger Immuno Support Drops, 4 times a day for 7 days. The control group was given Vitamin C , Satural, and Acetaminophen 3 times a day for 7 days. The control group was also given Xylomentazolin nasal drops if necessary.

  The Pfleuger immuno support showed to be slightly superior to the conventional methods.  The Pfleuger group recovered from the upper respiratory tract infection in 5.3 days.  The control group took 6 days.  The Pfleuger group had 4.16% of patients needing antibiotic treatment where as the control group was 4.76%. 

  The Pflueger therapy showed no side effects with this treatment.  29% of the control group suffered from drug side effects and intolerance.  

  Pfleuger Immuno support suggests that this type of medicine may be effective at the onset of a respiratory tract infection.  Larger trials are needed to confirm this.  Further testing with a placebo group should be conducted to confirm this product's effectiveness.    


H1N1 Update In Winter 2010

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Jan 11, 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Tags: H1N1 Update

  So far we have had a very cold winter in most of the US.  However, still to date there has not been a major H1N1 outbreak.  Albama was the only state to have a widespread H1N1 outbreak.  You can track H1N1 outbreaks by tracking H1N1 updates.

  There are several reasons for the H1N1 not spreading.  The first reason is that H1N1 outbreak has been somewhat contained.  The virus has not spread very rapidly as once believed.  The virus was discovered sometime last year.  Doctors were afraid that the virus may mutate. This mutation could be very dangerous.  However, it looks like a dangerous mutation of this virus does not exist as of now.

  Another reason the H1N1 has not been widespread as of yet is because it may have not peaked.  The flu season can be variable.  This flu season may last for several more months so an outbreak is still possible.  It is still wise to use the same precautions as always with this flu virus.

  The final reason for the H1N1 not spreading is awareness.  Most people are not panicking about H1N1.  People are using precautions such as washing their hands, not going around sick people and covering their noses when they sneeze. These small little steps really help contain the virus which can help an epedemic from occuring.  

  Vaccinations are important to people at risk.  However, the vaccinations have not proven to do anything to contain the H1N1 virus.  The vaccinations have been slow to arrive.  They have not been delivered rapidly in the US as well.  Most people in the US are still not vaccinated against the H1N1 virus.

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