Bach flower remedies has been very popular on the website. Bach flower remedies have been healing people since 1936. Edward Bach started flower therapies at that time.
People confuse Bach flower remedies to homeopathy. They are completely different. They are both natural and use diluted substances. However, Bach flower remedies are first left in the sun for three hours with water. Alcohol is added to this mixture for further dilution. This is mixed. More alcohol is added for further dilution. If no sun is available, the flowers are boiled for a half hour then diluted with alcohol. Homeopathy also dilutes with alcohol but they use machines to shake the remedy. They also vary in strengths while all Bach remedies are the same strength.
These flower remedies have been used to treat a variety of mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, mood swings and others. The most popular bach product has been Bach Rescue Remedy. This product contains five popular bach flower remedies which are Helianthemum nummularium, Clematis vitalba, Impatiens glandulifera, Prunus cerasifera, Ornithogalum umbellatum. The rescue remedy is primarily used to help treat stress.
The bach flower remedy in the past only came in a liquid form. Many people do not take medicines in a liquid form. They are a pain to take when are traveling in a rush or on the go. Bach introduces a new spray to help people take rescue remedy on the go. The rescue remedy spray contains the exact same ingredients as the original rescue remedy. The product also comes in the exact same size as the original rescue remedy.