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Natural Health Journals Editor´s Choice

Homeopathy Critic Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch Busted

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Apr 16, 2010 @ 11:25 PM

  Quackwatch is a popular skeptic website on alternative type medicines.  They have been critical of many type of complimentary therapies including homeopathy.  They have their own website dedicated to criticisms of homeopathy called  There are 25 websites run by the quackwatch organization.

Dr. Stephen Barrett owns these websites and masquerades as a consumer advocate and as a doctor.  Barrett has sued 41 people and/or companies in many different alternative medicine type of professions such as chiropractic and homeopathy.  He has not won a single case to date but he continues to file lawsuit after lawsuit.  In court, it was revealed that Dr. Stephen Barrett is not even a licensed medical doctor.  He had failed the psychiatric exam for certification.    

Many people believe quackwatch is run by a certified doctor and that information posted on these sites are factual.  Dr,  Barrett has spoke on cnn and the today show about quackery.  Stephen Barrett  has no formal legal training but claims to be competent in medical law.  Courts found quackwatch websites to be biased and unworthy of any credibility.

Stephen Barrett latest trial loss happened in his own hometown in Pennsylvania.  He was suing a chiropractor for defamation.  The judge threw the case out entirely after hearing that he had already sued 40 other people and organizations.  Quackwatch is having a great deal of financial issues.  Certainly suing so many people could not be cheap.  In 2008, his corporation in Pennsylvania was dissolved.  He has moved to North Carolina.  The quackwatch websites take donations.  Since they have no corporation, no one is sure where this money is going.  The website says these donations are going to website operations and research activities.  What type of research is this dissolved organization doing?  Does research activities mean frivolous lawsuits?  



Tags: Homeopathy, quackwatch, Stephen Barrett

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