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Natural Health Journals Editor´s Choice

Homeopathic Remedies For Insomnia

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Dec 26, 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for insomnia, insomnia, homeopathy for sleeplessness

Insomnia is a common condition that causes sleeplessness.  Common causes of insomnia are stress and worry, .  Sleeplessness can cause decrease work performance, lethargy and grouchiness.  Diet and lifestyle changes also help relieve insomnia.  Drinking minimal amounts of caffeine and getting plenty of exercise often help get a good nights sleep.  If these did not work for your insomnia, homeopathy may be worth a try.

This alternative type of medicine offers a safe way to get to sleep.  These medicines are not addictive and there are no harmful side effects.  Homeopathy offers a wide range remedies to help with different kinds of insomnia.  Homeopathy is generally individualized according to your symptoms. Different types of insomnia will require a different remedy.  

Insomnia caused by bad dreams which may cause restlessness requires Belladonna or Chamomilla.  These remedies should be tried in a 6C potency.  Sleeplessness caused by frequent disruptions such as babies crying or on call support use the following remedies Cocculus and Nux Vomica.  The potencies of these should be a 6C.  Lack of sleep after an illness is also a common cause of insomnia.  After an illness, it takes the body some time to get back to a normal sleep schedule.  Kali Phosphoricum in a 6X potency will help with this type of insomnia. 

In summary, homeopathy offers a wide variety of remedies to help treat insomnia in a safe and effective way.  If you know some other remedies to help with insomnia, please list them in the comments section.


Homeopaths Without Borders Makes Trip Number 5 To Haiti

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Dec 16, 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, homeopaths without borders

haiti nursing studentsHomeopaths without borders, an organization of homeopaths that helps nations during disasters, has made their 5th trip to Haiti.  This organization made their first trip February of 2010.  The situation was quite grim in February.  This organization helped to treat patients in Haiti for ailments such as burns, physical trauma ,injuries, fear, dizziness, headaches, urinary tract infections, eye problems and dehydration. 

The situation in Haiti has improved significantly since February.  Haiti still does need International help.  This November trip, a group of homeopaths returned to Saint Vincent's School For Handicapped Children.  Ailments treated there were acute and/or chronic stomach problems, headaches, eye problems, rash and cough. 

Homeopaths without borders has visited Universite Notre Dame D’Haiti twice.  The first time was to set up a homeopath training class.  The class consisted of 120 nursing students.  The homeopaths went back a few days later to treat students that may have any ailments. 

This group also visited the baptist mission in Delmar area of Port Au Prince.  The group treated children with severe cases of scabies and other rashes, fevers, stomach problems, and other ailments. 

Homeopaths without borders will continue to visit Haiti for the short term.  They are looking to expand their homeopathy training classes for nursing students.   Long range goals include opening up a homeopathic clinic to treat patients in Haiti.

Pets Are Having Success With Homeopathy Treatment

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Dec 08, 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Tags: homeopathy for pets, pet homeopathy

homeopathy for pets

Homeopathy is one of the leading alternative type of medical treatments for humans.  This alternative type of medicine is now being used by vets as well.  Many dog and cat owners say homeopathy treatments work for their pets.  Horses and other type of animals also have claimed success using homeopathic treatments.  Homeopathy provides a cost effective way to treat pets compared to allopathic medicine.  Little information is available about homeopathic treatments for pets.  A new UK survey hopes to fix this issue. 

A UK survey was done treating pets with homeopathy.  The survey found that dogs and cats were helped by this type of alternative type of medicine.  This was a clinical outcomes study.  UK survey collected data from 1500 dogs and 400 cats from various homeopathic vet surgeons.  Common conditions include dermatitis, renal failure, overgrooming, arthritis and hyperthyroidism were treated with homeopathic medicine.  Owners supported a success rate of 68% for dogs.  63% was the success rate for cats. 

The results from this survey was quite impressive.  Animals are not know to have placebo effects.  Authors concluded that trials in homeopathy for dogs and cats should be conducted after this study.  There are no homeopathy trial studies with cats and dogs at this point.   




Dissecting the Adverse Effects of Surgical Procedures

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Dec 07, 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, surgury side effects

This article is a guest post by curing hemmorhoid miracle solutions.  I appreciate their contribution to our homeopathy blog.


People have been increasingly reliant on modern medicine. Medical interventions have been able to help prolong lives, especially with the help of modern surgical procedures. It is amazing to know that modern surgical procedures are able to do incredible things to save a person’s life.

One example of this is the bariatric surgery. It has become the more popular option, especially to those who have become morbidly obese. Though this procedure is considered to be highly effective in losing weight, the adverse effects of this procedure cannot be denied.

Nausea and vomiting are the most common adverse effects of bariatric surgery. But the more serious adverse effect would be the development of infection from the wound acquired from the surgery, resulting to leaks from the stomach into the abdominal cavity. Cases like this require the patient to undergo another operation.

Another great example would be the hemorrhoidectomy. It is a surgical procedure that is done to remove hemorrhoids. In other procedures, a circular stapling device is used to remove hemorrhoidal tissue and close the wound. However, this procedure does not require incision. What it does it that, it only lifts the hemorrhoid. After which, it is then placed back (or "stapled") in the anal canal.

The adverse effect in this procedure is that, 5% of the time, hemorrhoids come back after the surgery. It also leaves you the inability to control the bowel movement and even the bladder. Not only that, it leaves you at risk for infection of the surgical area because some of the stool may be trapped in the anal area.

Removal of gallstones is another example of surgical procedures that can also pose some risk factors to one’s health. One risk factor would be infection on the incision or internal bleeding. Injury to the small intestines may also be experienced by one of the instruments used during the surgery.

All these and other medical surgical procedures provide post-operation risks and other complications. Studies show that the success of these surgical procedures like the aforementioned depends on the ability of the patient to make changes in his lifestyle.

These conditions can be avoided. Say, hemorrhoids, for example. Hemorrhoids can be avoided from occurring or from coming back if you will be able to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. For one, you have to avoid the common causes of hemorrhoids such as eating too much processed food, prolonged sitting or standing.

The same goes with other ailments as well. Taking care of your body from the inside and out will keep you from getting morbidly obese or from suffering from chronic diseases.

Holly Hayden is a respected authority on using herbs to cure your hemorrhoid naturally. Her free report on this method has helped thousands of people see curing your hemorrhoid using herbs. Her exclusive system has already helped thousands of people treat their hemorrhoids towards elimination without surgery or ineffective creams.

Homeopathic Remedies To Fight The Cold and Flu.

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Dec 01, 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for flu, homeopathic cold remedies

homeopathic flu and cold


Homeopathic remedies are very popular to fight the cold.  They have been used during the last century to fight off swine flu and other strains of flu.  These remedies are individualized so choosing the right remedy is critical.  Self treatment of acute cold and flu symptoms is quite common. 


  This remedy is used to fight the common cold.  Fever is common.  Symptoms are worse from heat and better from motion.  Used this remedy in a 6c potency.

Bryonia Alba

  Used to fight pneumonia and cold.  Symptoms for this remedy include cough, severe throbbing headaches, fever, chest pain and excessive sweating.  Wants to be left alone when sick.  The remedy should be taken in a 6C potency.


  Use to fight common cold with intense headaches.  Symptoms include flush skin with the body feeling chills.  Sore throat with cough may occur.  Loss of voice is also common.  Usage should begin in a 30C potency.


  Used for the common cold brought on by emotional stress.  Ailments in this cold include chills, stuffy nose, excessive thirst, cough and chest pain.  Start with this remedy in a 6c potency.

Anas Barbariae

  This medicine should be used at the first onset of flu.  This medicine is better know as oscilloccinum.  It has been tested and research more than any other homeopathic remedy.  Every trial done with this medicine shows that it reduces the length of the flu by about 6 hours.  You can save yourself some money and just buy the single remedy in a 200C potency. 

  There are quite a few homeopathic remedies to treat the flu.  Find the one that matches your symptoms. Many people keep a few of this remedies on hand just in case the flu makes to their homes.