Homeopaths Without Borders went on some initial missions to Haiti when the first earth quake struck. The homeopaths were meet with open arms. The patients were treated with homeopathy for minor ailments such as burns, cuts, bruises, allergies and other things where surgery was not required. Many patients were treated and help with homeopathic treatment. Medical doctors in Haiti was pleased to have the homeopaths treat the less critical patients. Medical doctors had the opportunity to help treat the critically ill.
The situation in Haiti has improved. Hopital Francais, a private hospital in Haiti, said they no longer need homeopaths to treat thousands of patients as they did last time. Haiti still has hundred of thousands of people living in tents so medical care for people is still necessary. Haiti is completely dependent on foreign donations for survival. A new team of homeopaths went to Haiti in July. This team went to help patients with medical care needs at St. Vincent's hospital for handicapped children. Currently children and adults are housed here.
Homeopaths without borders is looking to train Haitians to treat themselves with homeopathy. There is a plan to establish a homeopathic clinic in Haiti. Homeopathy training would be available to Haiti nurses to treat conditions that homeopathy can treat.
This mission was less critical than the previous one but just as important. Homeopathy can help Haiti become self sustainable in health care. There will be continued care at Saint Vincents hospital on a rotating basis as well. Continued education on homeopathy will be happening as well at medical institutions in Haiti.