Coffea Cruda is one of the homeopathy remedies often used for tinnitus, headaches, toothaches, teething, insomnia, restlessness, racing thoughts, labor pains and menopause. Coffea Cruda also known by its botanical name, Coffea arabica, is simply unroasted coffee beans. It normally helps calm the nervous system. In case of insomnia or restlessness, Coffea cruda may benefit you and it does perform as a sleep aid. It is a non-addictive, inexpensive, and great to keep on hand so you can drift off to dreamland naturally with no side effects or "hangover" the next day. This remedy works better when you simply relax before bedtime by taking a warm bath and avoiding watch television/computer.
Coffea Cruda stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. Coffea Cruda is specially suited for tall, lean, stooping persons with dark complexions, temperament choleric and sanguine. This remedy is for those whose senses are very acute (oversensitiveness), who faces unusual activity of mind and body, who are full of ideas and quick to act on which account ends up with no sleep. This remedy is for people who suffer from severe insomnia condition in which they basically are totally sleepless or find impossible to close the eyes during the night. This remedy can help people who suffer from headache caused due to over-mental exertion, thinking, talking; one-sided, as from a nail driven into a brain, as if brain was torn or dashed into pieces.
Coffea cruda is a remedy that treats a wide variety of conditions. It is mostly used for insomnia and nervousness. The diluted amount of caffeine helps people get a good night's rest.