Homeopathy Links Of The Week
Vote on your favorite links of the week.
38% of Adults Use Alternative Medicine - washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com — Discusses the growth of alternative medicine including homeopathy.
The Associated Press: About 1 in 9 US kids use alternative medicine www.google.com — One in nine kids uses alternative medicine.
All About Homeopathy www.oprah.com — Information on Oprah.com about homeopathy.
HealthNews Blogs - Melanie Grimes - Homeopathic Treatments for Prevention of Colds and Flu.
www.healthnews.com — Prevention of Cold and Flu with homeopathy. Also how to treat the cold and flu at the early onset.
Sri Lanka Breaking News-Daily Mirror Online www.dailymirror.lk — Discusses Homeopathy Remedy For Children Tags: Homeopathy for kids.
Is homeopathy the way to beat winter colds and the flu? (From Worcester News) www.worcesternews.co.uk — Describes homeopathic remedies to combat the cold and flu.
Philadelphia Health Examiner: Restore health naturally with homeopathy www.examiner.com — Article describes on how to find a good homeopathic doctor to help with chronic conditions.