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Homeopathy 2008 Review

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 @ 12:15 AM

  This article will summarize some of the major happenings in homeopathy in 2008.  Homeopathy has grow in 2008 in most every country around the world.  However, homeopathy has grown under significant attack in 2008.

   The National Health Care system in England has made it difficult to fund homeopathy due to pressure from some doctors in England.  Other European countries are also following England's lead.  Doctors say that there is no scientific evidence the homeopathy works and the NHS of England should not fund this type of operation.  Homeopathic doctor referrals in England from general practioners has dropped significantly. 

  Most researchers point to very little evidence of homeopathy working.  The war against homeopathy has intensified in the United Kingdom.  Professor Edward Ernst and Simon Singh has challenged anyone to show homeopathy works for any condition.  If someone show that it works, they will give the person $10,000 pounds.  No one has yet to take the challenge.  Most homeopaths think of this as a publicity stunt. 

  A Lancet trial done in 2005 titled the " End of Homeopathy" is what some people have used as their evidence against homeopathy.  The trials showed that homeopathy is pretty much the same as a placebo.  110 trials were compared.  The researchers found the larger higher quality trials to show that homeopathy is the same as a placebo.  This evidence was still being in 2008.  These trials were used as proof for the NHS to cut homeopathy from their system.    

   However, many other researchers found this trial had many issues including publication bias.  The trial was not suitable for any medical journal to put into their publications.   The conclusion of the Homeopathy Lancet trials is that this data is totally unreliable.  Researchers manipulated the data to reach a preconceived conclusion about these trials.  Conventional medicine showing a greater effect than a placebo or homeopathy was actually not true either.

  Many people point to the attack on homeopathy in England as a good thing.  If skeptics, scientists and medical doctors did not perceive you to be a threat, the attacks will not occur.  Lancet trials where data was manipulated is also shameful.  If you are going to use scientific trials against homeopathy, make sure you do them correctly. People will certainly analyze these trials to verify results and figures.

  The question becomes have the attacks in 2008 worked.  That is hard to say.  Homeopathy is still growing in England and everyone including medical doctors say this trend will continue.  The attacks may have shunned some people away from homeopathy in the short term.  There is really no evidence that the media coverage or the Lancet trials has prevented anyone from using  homeopathy.  Dwindling homeopathic referrals has not seen less homeopathic usage.

  What does 2009 hold?  More attacks on homeopathy is to be expected in my opinion.  Positive news hardly ever makes headlines. Will the growth of homeopathy continue?

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