Insomnia effects many people. Causes of insomnia are many. Some of the causes are stress, drugs such as caffeine and poor sleep environment such as a noisy area. Lack of sleep effects your job performance, increases stress, leads to moody behavior and decreases your overall general health.
There are many types of homeopathic single remedies to treat insomnia and other sleeping disorders. This article will review the most popular homeopathic remedies to help someone get a good nights rest. It will also give you some guidelines on which medications to take for your condition.
Coffea Crudea is used to treat insomnia for people that can not relax. The person has so many worries that they can not fall asleep. This remedy is also used to help people that drink too much caffeine before bedtime. The coffea crudea 6X should be taken to treat this type of sleep disorder.
Cocculus is used to help people get back to sleep after a disturbance. This disturbance may be a crying infant, crazy work schedule and travel or jet lag.
Lycopodium is a remedy to help people that have no memories of sleeping or dreaming. They really do not even remember falling asleep. They feel like they have not slept for days.
Nux Vomica is a remedy for people that fall asleep pretty easily but they wake up in the middle of the night and can not get back to sleep. Causes of this type of sleep issues are working too much and experiencing too much stress. Nux Vomica 6X should be the treatment for this type of insomnia.
Aconite is used to treat insomnia with great fear. This person has nightmares. The person may be in shock or in fear of someone. Aconite 6X should be taken to remedy this condition.
Ignatia is used to help the person that is continually tired but can not get to sleep. Rapid changes in behavior due to lack of sleep. Causes of this include emotional stress or grief. Ignatia 6X is needed to relieve this condition.
Using the following homeopathic remedies should help with a good nights sleep. The homeopathic medication may need to be taken over several days before you see some benefits. Once you are getting a good nights sleep, continue taking the remedies for several more days. You can discontinue the remedies after getting at least 5 days of good sleep.
Complete Guide To Homeopathy Dr. Andrew Lockie and Dr. Nicola Geddes.