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Americans Spend 3 Billion Dollars on Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Aug 04, 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Tags: Homeopathy in the US

  A study conducted in 2007 showed that Americans spend 3 billion dollars on homeopathy per year.  This accounts for about 8.7% of spending on alternative medicine in the US.  US spends about 34 billion dollars per year on alternative medicines.  43% are spent on vitamins, herbs and natural occuring products.  35% are spent on alternative medicine practioner costs.  12% is spent on Yoga, Tai chi, qigong classes, massage and chiropractic. 

  In 1997, another government survey showed that 27 billion dollars per year was being spent on alternative medicine.  In 10 years, the amount of spending by the US consumer on alternative medicines has increased by 7 billion dollars.  Government officials expect the purchase of alternative medicines to continue to rise in the next several years.  

  The total cost of medical care in the US is 2.2 trillion dollars.  Insurance covers most of the cost of health care.  However, Americans spend 48 billion dollars purchasing prescription drugs per year and about 49 billion dollars in doctor visits that insurance does not cover. Another large cost for the uninsured or under insured is conventional care such as cancer treatments, surguries and so forth.  171 billion dollars were spent on this type of care.

  Much of this data was gathered before the recession of the US.  Many people are assuming alternative medicine popularity is growing due to loss of insurance coverage by many Americans.  Homeopathy and vitamins can be purchased inexpensively and without a prescription most of the time.  Prescription drugs require a doctor visit and may not be affordable to many uninsured patients.  In fact, most medicines are except from FDA regulation all together.  Homeopathy products are loosely regulated.  The FDA assumes homeopathy to be harmless since the medicines are too dilute to cause any harm.  

More research needs to be done on alternative therapies to decide which ones are effective.  However, many alternative therapies such as homeopathy require special trials since most of the remedies are individualized.  Acupuncture is also another alternative therapy where trials are difficult to do.  Research does exist in other countries for alternative medicine.  Extensive research has been done on homeopathy in the UK and the rest of Europe.  India also is doing extensive research on homeopathy.  US does not really need to start from scratch on alternative medicine research.  US can simply look at some of the promising alternative medicine trials and try to replicate those in a large scale. 

 Alternative medicines make up a small portion of Americas health care costs.   Alternative medicines cost make up about 1.5% of the total health care cost in the US.  Do you see even more American consumers using alternative type medicines such as homeopathy in the future  Do you think the amount of prescription drugs will decrease in the future?  How large a market share can homeopathic medicine have in the US?  



Center For Disease Control and Prevention

Zicam Recall Update

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Jul 22, 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Tags: Zicam, Zicam Update

  We are looking back at the case of the Zicam recall in a bit more detail.  In our previous blog entry stated that three Zicam products were recalled.  These products were the Zicam cold nasal gel and Zicam cold nasal swabs and children cold nasal swabs.  These products cause a loss of smell to the users. 

  The products claim to contain Zinc Gluconate 2X.  This would mean the Zinc Gluconate would have been diluted.  This would mean the Zinc Glouconate would be in a dilution with 1 part Zinc Glouconate and 9 parts of an alcohol water dilution.  The dilution would be shaken to create the 1X liquid.  This process again would be repeated by taking the new 1X solution.  The 1X solution would be combined with 9 parts of an alcohol water dilution.  The solution would be shaken and thus create the 2X solution.  If the 2X is done correctly, there is little chance of this remedy creating a loss of smell.  There is very little of the actual zinc substance left after creating a 2X.  The FDA is looking to see if this product is actually homeopathic.

  Also, homeopathy was not created with the idea of people putting the product up their nose.  This is not standard homeopathic practice for patients to use medicines in their noses.  Zicam cold remedy products that are swallowed thru the mouth contain zincum aceticum 2X and zincum gluconicum 1X.  These products have receive no consumer complaints.  The issue seems to be with only the Zicam nasal spray and swabs.

  There are other nasal sprays out on the homeopathic market such as the BHI sinus relief nasal spray.  This product contains the following homeopathic ingredients including luffa operculata 2x,pulsatilla 2x, euphorbium officinarum 4x, mercurius iodatus ruber 8x, mucosa nasalis 8x, hepar sulphurs calcareum 10x, argentum nitricum 10x, sinusitusinum 13x 1.0 ml each. The product also contains an inactive ingredients that are isotonic saline solution, preservative and  benzalkonium chloride.  This product also contains low dilutions of poisonous substances such as pulsatilla.  However, there have been no major compliants with any other homeopathic nasal sprays other than Zicam.  As we can see that most of the homeopathic products are designed similarly.  In theory, the other homeopathic nasal sprays should also be having consumer complaints.

  Homeopathy has always had a very good history as far as user complaints go in the US.  The FDA has never received a larger amount of consumer complaints on any homeopathic product til now.  The few compliants that the FDA did receive on homeopathy proved not to have any merit.       

  The Zicam story certainly does have merit.  There is strong evidence that this medicine has made people loss their sense of smell for life.  Should the FDA have stronger enforcement on homeopathy drugs if the outcome of their investigation shows that the homeopathic drugs caused the loss of smell? 

Homeopathy Introduction Video

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Tags: Homeopathy Introduction

  This is a video to help introduce a new person into homeopathy.  Just tells the basic information about homeopathy.  Basic information includes what are homeopathic medicines, what are the different types of homeopathic medicines and what are the different strengths these remedies come in. 

Skeptical Scientists Baffled By Homeopathy Results

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Jun 30, 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Tags: Homeopathy Scientific Research

  Skeptical scientists were observing a trial with homeopathic histaminum.  The trial was to determine if a diluted histaminum would have any effects on blood cells in the body.  Four trials were done to see if the dilute histaminum would have any effect.  The histaminum was diluted more than Avagardo's number so the assumption is that no way could this medicine have any effect on any blood cells.  Four trials were done to see if this dilute histaminum would affect blood cells.  Also four trials showed an effect on the blood cells. 

  Scientists concluded that there seems to be an effect with this scientific studies.  However, scientists cautioned that more trials need to be done to reproduce this phonemena.

  Scientists say if these results would hold true that the law of physics would need to be rewritten.  They still hold their skepticism but their minds are opening up a little bit more.

  Are there are scientific trials that show homeopathy works that are well done?  I know there were some other trials in France that showed homeopathy to work scientifically.  However, these trials were later proved to be false and tainted.  

Zicam Recalled By FDA

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Jun 17, 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Tags: Zicam recall

  Zicam makes popular homeopathic products  such as nasal sprays that are widely available through out the US. Zicam carries 19 products in their line of inventory.  2 products out of 19 were recalled by the FDA.  FDA claims that 2 products, Zicam cold nasal gel and Zicam cold nasal swabs, were creating a loss of smell to people that are using these products.  The other 17 products have not produced any know consumer compliants.  

  The permanent loss of smell can be life threatening and create discomfort to the people that have this reaction.  Medical records have show Zicam to be the main cause of the loss of smell in about 130 known cases.  Doctors and consumers reported these cases.  800 more cases of the loss of smell has been reported to Zicam themselves.  Zicam claims the loss of smell was created by a virus rather than the product itself.  Zicam did a settle a lawsuit with 340 people who used their product which caused a loss of smell. 

  Zicam also states that it has been proven in scientific studies to be effective and are supported by scienctists.  However, no government scientists have supported this remedy.  Furthermore, Zicam has no double blind studies showing it is effective for any single condition. 

   The active ingrident in Zicam cold products is zincum gluconicum.  Oddly enough, I can not find this product in online homeopathic websites.  I even checked websites in England which carry pretty much most homeopathic remedies since homeopathy is very popular in that country.  There are other homeopathic zinc variations such as zincum metallicum available on Internet websites but not specifically this homeopathic remedy.

  Zicam claims to be a homeopathic product but their active ingredient can not be found on any homeopathic websites.  Critics and supporters of homeopathy can agree only on one thing which is homeopathic medicine has no side effects.  I am very curious to see how this FDA case plays out.  The FDA will not act unless there are many consumers compliants.  FDA also does a pretty good job of verifying the compliants.  Zicam sells over 100 million dollars of their products every year.

  Zicam was able to get around FDA approval for their drug since they claimed it was homeopathic.  FDA does allow homeopathic products not to go under FDA approval since the ingredients are so diluted.  The FDA concludes the homeopathic products are too dilute to cause any type of harm to the consumer.  

  Is it possible that Zicam has other ingredients that can potentially cause some bad side effects?  Is it also possible that the Zicam remedies were not homeopathic as once labeled?  

Homeopathy Links Of The Week June 7th thru June 12th

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Jun 12, 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Tags: homeopathy links

New links have been added to our homeopathy links blog.  Vote for your favorite homeopathic link on our blog.

Rock Legend Roger Daltrey Praises Homeopathy and Prince Charles Support of Homeopathy « Official Homeopathy Resource  Roger Daltrey, the lead singer of Who, supports was a guest speaker at Prince Charles organization for Integrated Health. Roger told the crowd how homeopathy saved the life of their son.


Alternative Medicine is Going Mainstream « Official Homeopathy ResourceThis article discusses how popular alternative medicine are becoming in the US.


Upbringing on trial Homeopath and wife kills baby daughter by not talking her to emergency room soon enough. The homeopath was treating the child with homeopathy but the child was becoming very ill from eczema as well as an infection.


NHS 'faces huge budget shortfall' National Healthcare Service of England faces huge budget shortfalls. Trying to cut unnecessary services from the NHS.


Homeopathy Cancer Centre Makes Research Breakthrough Showing Homeopathy Affects Cancer Cells « Official Homeopathy ResourceResearch showing that homeopathy medicine does have an effect on cancer cells.

Homeopathic Remedies For Seasonal Allergies

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Tags: homeopathic remedies for seasonal allergies

  Seasonal allergies usually start around the spring time.  They generally continue all thru the summer and sometimes into the fall.  Seasonal allergies are mainly caused by pollen.  Pollen are powdered grains released from flowering plants.  The flowering plants could be from many species including oak, olive, elm, birch, ash, hickory, poplar, sycamore, maple, cypress and walnut.   The purpose of pollen is to reach other plants to help them flower and grow.  Pollen is usually taken by wind or insects to reach these plants.  Pollen may also exist in grass and weeds.  These type of allergies happen in the summer.   You can see your local doctor to find out what type of pollens that you are allergic to.  This help you formulate a proper plan to tackle the seasonal allergies.  

  Keeping yourself pollen free is near impossible.  However, there are a few things that can be done to limit pollen exposure.  Some things to do would be to stay in the house in the morning.  Pollen is greatest around 05:00AM-10:00AM.   Stay indoors when the pollen count is too high.  A great website that will alert you when the pollen count is too high is .  Simply put your email address in their subscribe box and you will be automatically alerted.  You also need to keep your windows closed in your home and when you are driving to help reduce the amount of pollen you intake.

  Homeopathic deals with seasonal allergies quite differently than conventional remedies.  Homeopathic remedies are individualized.  Different symptoms require a different remedy.  The remedy may have to be changed from time to time.  If you have severe allergies, a homeopathic doctor should be consulted.  Minor allergies can be self treated with homeopathy.  

  Certain pollen allergies cause watery eyes and burning nasal discharge.  Sneezing happens but may not be constant.  There may be pain in the forehead.   People with these type of conditions feel better when they are inside the house in a cool room.  They feel worse in warm rooms or in cold weather.  Hot foods and drinks make them feel bad as well.  The remedy used to treat this condition is Allium Cepa 6X.

Another type of allergy makes people sneeze constantly followed by an irritation cough.  Nostrils are sore and red from the constant sneezing.  The throat may also burn.  Asthma may accompany the allergy.  People with this type of allergy feel worse from sneezing and warm areas.  The correct remedy to take is Arsenicum Iodatum 6X.

Another instance of allergy affects people primarily in the eyes.  Eyes are swollen and sensitive to bright light.  Eyes are watery.  Little discharge from nose.  The mucus drips to the back of the throat. People generally feel better by resting and sleeping.  Warm weather and hot areas make this allergy feel worse.  Being indoors and out in the evening makes the allergy feel worse. The proper remedy for this situation is Euphrasia 6X.

  The final allergy basically caused a sore throat.  Swallowing is very painful.  Eyes are red and swollen.  Eyes are also watery.  The throat becomes very dry.  Headaches make you feel like your head is shrinking.  People feel better from eating and drink hot foods and drinks.  The allergy is made worse from cold weather and cold drinks.  The remedy for this situation is Sabadilla 6X.

  As you can see, there are many remedies to treat seasonal allergies with homeopathy.  We have just listed 4 of these remedies and the type of allergies needed for each remedy.  There are other allergies and other remedies that can be taken as well.  See a homeopathic doctor if you need help matching your allergies to the homeopathic remedies.  If you know some other type of homeopathic remedies that are used for allergies that are effective list them in the comments.  We hope with the help of homeopathy that you will survive this allergy season.

Reference from Complete Guide To Homeopathy.

Dr. Andrew Lockie and Dr. Nicola Geddes.


West Virginia Homeopathic Business Wins Award

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sat, May 23, 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Tags: Homeopathic business wins award

  Washington Homeopathic Products Joe Lillard wins West Virginia small business person of the year.  Washington Homeopathic Products is based in Berekely Springs, West Virginia.  Joe and his wife started a homeopathic pharmacy with one small store in 1991 with 5 employees.  Since then the business has grown to 35 employees with a multi million dollar operation.  This award was given to Joe by the small business administration. To find more about this business, you can visit Washington Homeopathic website at

Swine Flu Informational Websites

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, May 12, 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Tags: swine flu websites previous swine flu article became extremely popular.  The comments were great and made me realize that not enough information on the swine flu was really given.  I could write more about the H1N1 virus.  However, there are great websites to look at that can give better information than our company can.  This article will cover a few of the websites and we will try to describe the contents of these sites.

  The first site I found interesting was  This website contains information about how you can boost your immune system to help fight the swine flu.  It list supplements, homeopathy medicine and other types of medicines to fight the swine flu.  The website also has breaking information on the swine flu such as how much as spread, where is it spreading and is it contained.  Also, the website has tips on talking to your kids about swine flu.  The website contains information such as what are the symptoms of swine flu and what actions to take if you catch the flu.  This site also has a RSS feed so when a new article is posted, you will be notified.

    Another website that most people know about is the Center for Diesease Control website.  Their link to the swine flu outreak is  This website lists how far the swine flu has reached in the US.  It tells which states the swine flu has spread the most.  The website maps out all the US states and lists the number of occurences of the swine flu in each state.  The website updates their numbers periodically.  This site also has some basic general information on the swine flu but I found to be more informative.  

  The final swine flu website of interest is  This site is a very thorough informational site.  It contains many frequently asked questions to the swine flu such as how long is the infectous period and when you should go see a doctor?  The website throughly describes the swine flu so anyone that visits this website will have an understanding of this virus.  This website unlike the previous two sites does not contain really any breaking news on the swine flu. 

  There are also numerous other sites with swineflu information.  I just listed three good ones that I had found.  If you know of some other good websites with swineflu information, please list them in the comment section.  

Protecting Yourself From Swine Flu Outbreak with Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, May 07, 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Tags: homeopathy for swine flu, Swine Flu

  Swine Flu is actually a strand of a flu virus called H1N1.  This H1N1 is a mutation of the swine flu virus.  Pigs typically carry this strand of virus.  This virus generally will not kill pigs.  Humans rarely contract swine flu.  Swine flu can not be caught by eating pork products.  Swine flu is only contracted via air born.  The current strand (2009) is assumed to have started near Mexico city at a pig farm owned by a US company.  However, no pigs were have to been found in the H1N1 virus.  Closed areas are places were swine flu can spread rapidly.  Areas such as subways, buses, planes, office buildings are places where the H1N1 virus can spread since they are enclosed.   

  H1N1 virus effects people almost identically to the flu influenza.  People that may contacted the H1N1 virus experience fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.  Allopathic solutions for the swine flu outbreak include  Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (zanamivir).  These drugs can potentially shorten the duration of the swine flu by a day.  The side effects of these drugs include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchitis, stomach pain, dizziness and headache.  Most people make a full recovery from H1N1 without the use of any drugs at all. 

  Oscillococcinum is a very popular homeopathic drug that is used to shorten the duration of the regular flu virus.  This drug has been proven in several trials to reduce the duration of the influenza virus by about 6 hours without any side effects.  However, this drug has never been tested on H1N1 virus.  Oscillococcinum also claims to prevent the flu but trials have shown no evidence of flu prevention with this drug.

 Homeopathy was used effectively in the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918.   The homeopathy mortatily rate was 1%.  This was much lower than the rate of death used with conventionally medicine.  The homeopathic remedies used to treat this flu outbreak were Byronia and Gelsemium.  Most cases used Gelsemiun to treat the spanish flu.  These remedies are also commonly used to treat the common flu.

  Contrary to popular belief, there is no vaccine for the H1N1.  There is really no way to prevent people from catching the swine flu other than avoiding contact with people that have caught the diesease.  You can boost up your immune system by taking vitamin C, beta carotein, vitamin D and antioxidants.  This help you better fight off the H1N1 virus.

  For healthy individuals with strong immune systems, the swine flu is really nothing to worry about.  Most people in the US that have contracted the swine flu have survived without any issues.  The common flu has killed far more people than the swine flu has.

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