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Oscillococcinum Tested By A Series Of Homeopathy Flu Trials

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 17, 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Tags: Cold and Flu Medicine, Cold and Flu Remedies, Oscillococcinum

  In this article, we are going to examine a series of flu trials with the Boiron homeopathic product oscillococcinum.

  Oscillococcinum is the homeopathic remedy Anas Barbariae 200C.  This remedy basically consists of a combination of wild duck heart and duck liver.  It is diluted in a session of 200 times.  The remedy is so dilute that it pass Avagardo's number.  Critics claim there is no substance to this remedy because of the high level of dilution.  Oscillococcinum remedies needs only one duck to produce enough of this homeopathic remedy to supply the entire world.  This remedy is extremely popular which can be found in 52 countries around the world.

   Oscillococcinum is marketed as a product that can prevent the flu if taken regularly.  The medicine also says that once you get the flu, taking this remedy may shorten the time that you have the flu.  Several trials have been done to examine these theories.  

  The first trials were done by Vickers and Smith.  They examined whether Oscillococcinum can prevent flu and shorten the duration of the flu compared to a placebo.  Theses trials had 3 preventions trials totalling 2265 people and 4 treatment trials of 1194 people.  Only 2 of these 7 trials had good enough data to finish the trial.  There is no evidence that Oscillococcinum can prevent the flu from the trials.  The second trial with 700 participants showed that Oscillococcinum can shorten the duration of the flu by about .28 days.  This amounts to be about 7 hours. 

  The Vickers flu trials are the largest trials in homeopathy to date.  Some other trials also came to similar conclusions with this homeopathic remedy.  These other trials also examined factors such as chills, fever, stiffness and nasal discharge.  

  Two trials by the researcher Cassonova tested Oscillococcinum at the onset of flu like symptoms.  The first trial with 100 patients tested this remedy within 48 hours of catching the flu.  The homeopathic medicine group showed a reduction of chills, stiffness, fever and reported a more successful outcome.  The homeopathy group showed no improvement in nasal discharge as compared with the placebo group.  

  In the second Cassonova trial with 300 patients, Oscillococcinum was tested upon the onset of flu like symtoms without the 48 hour waiting time.  In day two, the fever was lower for the homeopathy group compared to the placebo group.  By day four of treatment, the Oscillococcinum group reported fewer chills and less aches and pains then the placebo group.

  Researcher Ferley with 478 patients tested Oscillococcinum within 24 hours of flu like symptoms. The results from this trial was within 48 hours, 66% greater chance of full recovery from the homeopathy group compared to the placebo group.  The homeopathy group also had a more favorable opinion of the medicine as compared to the placebo group.

  The final research study that we will examine in this article is by researcher Papp with 372 patients.  This is a followup study to the previous study.  This study examined pretty much the same criteria as the Ferly study.  Twenty four hours of catching the flu, the homeopathy group showed a shorter duration of the flu and less severe symptoms as compared to the placebo group with in 48 hours.

  In conclusion, Oscillococcinum shows no evidence that it can prevent people from catching the flu.  Studies have shown that Oscillococcinum seems to shorten the duration of the flu.  Most of the researchers in these trials say that more research with larger groups are needed to confirm that this homeopathy remedy does shorten the duration of the flu.  However, many of these trials do have a fairly large amount of partcipants as the researchers have noted.  

  How come there have not been larger studies with Oscillococcinum?  How much evidence is going to be needed before main stream medicine will accept this homeopathy remedy as being effective in treating the flu?  Why are these trials not out on the news as they are readily available on the Internet?  I look forward to hearing your comments. 


1)  Vickers A, Smith C. Homoeopathic Oscillococcinum for preventing and treating influenza and influenza-like syndromes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001957. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001957.pub3.

2)  Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique,
University of Marseilles, France.
3)  Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique,
University of Marseilles, France.
4)  Ferley JP, Zmirou, D'Adhemar D, Balducci E,
"A Controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation
in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes".
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1989, 27; 329-335.
5)  Papp R, Shuback G, Beck E, Burjard G, Bengel J,
 Lehri S, Belon P
"Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza like  syndromes
: a palcebo controlled double-blind evaluation."
 British Homeopathic Journal. April 1998, Vol. 87, pp 69-76.

Is The Influenza Flu Vaccine For You???

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Oct 09, 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Tags: Influenza, Influenzium, Flu Vaccine

  The flu vaccine is produced every year form the US.  This flu vaccine is commonly know as influenza vaccine.  Influenza vaccine contains a small amount of flu virus which helps your body produce antibodies to help fight off the flu.  So how well does the vaccine work?  That really depends on a close a match the influenza is to the current strains of flu in the year.  Years where the vaccine has had a close match the vaccine is quite effective.  Studies show around 70 to 90% effective.  Some other years the match was not close and the vaccines were not very effective.  The influenza shot has to be taken every year because the flu strain changes every year.

  The groups that are recommended to take the flu vaccine are people generally in closed environments where the flu can spread rapidly through out the facility.  Places such as nursing homes and jails are places where influenza shots should be given.  Elderly adults of age 65+ and adults with weakend immune systems benefits the most form the vaccine since their own immune system is not as strong. Caregivers of nursing homes, hospitals and jails should also get the flu shot.  Younger adults with healthy immune systems have really no medical need of taking the influenza vaccine.

   Children under 6 months are too young to be given a flu shot.  Flu shots from young children have shown questionable benefits.  Most children have a strong immune system so they should be able to fight off the flu themselves. Caregivers to new born infants should take the flu shot to help prevent the flu reaching new borns.

Side effects from the flu vaccine are generally not too severe.  Side effects include redness, soreness, aches and possibly a minor fever.  On rare occasion, a person may be allergic to the flu vaccine.  In these cases, the person must be taken to the hospital immediately for treatment.

  Homeopathic influenzium is basically the influenza vaccine in a diluted form.  Just like the vaccine, this homeopathic medicine should be bought every year.  Classical homeopaths sometimes recommend this medicine to fight or prevent the flu.  However, since classical homeopathy is individualized not all homeopaths will recommend this type of remedy based on their condition.  Homeopathic doctors may recommend other single remedies to help fight the flu.  No clinical trials are available on homeopathic influenzium on whether it can prevent the flu or if it may shorten the duration of the flu.  The pills should be taken regularly throughout the flu season to help prevent or lessen the flu.

 Please enter your comments on who should take the flu vaccine.  Is the flu vaccine given to too many people who really do not need it?  Is the homeopathic infiuenzium a good substitute for the flu shot?  What potencies of influenzium are generally good to prevent or lessen the flu?

The Placebo Effect

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, placebo

  The placebo effect is a mechanism where someone is taking a medicine that contains really nothing.  They think the medicine that they are taking helps them to get rid of their ailment.  The person automatically becomes better even though the medicine contained no real substance.

  Many critics point out that homeopathy works because of the placebo effect.  Many homeopathic medicines contain no active substance so any benefits realized with homeopathy must be due to a placebo effect.  So much does the placebo effect actually help is brought into question?

  Some research studies have shown that inactive substances made with sugar or water can help patients approximately 1/3 of the time.  Patients psychologically believe that this type of medicial treatment is helping them.   These are small research studies and they are certainly not conclusive.

  The placebo effect can also be difficult to measure due to the fact that many people can cure their illness just on their own.  The body's own immune system helps to fight diesease and taking the placebo pills really would not speed up that process.  However, the placebo pill may make the person feel better since they are inclined in thinking the medicine given has helped them.

Another interesting question is how do dogs, cats and babies respond to a placebo?  These groups are not aware that they are taking medicine so the placebo effect does not really exist within these groups.  However, the placebo effect may exist with the person giving the medication.  The person giving the medication may feel an improvement in the condition within these groups because they had provided a remedy.   How much a dog, cat or baby would get better on their own is not know if they had not taken a placebo.

   The effects of placebo in allopathic or western medicine has not been studied extensively.  A large percentage of allopathic medicine has never  been properly research and tested.  Most people are not sure how western medicine works.  The exact way aspirin cures headaches is unknown today.  However, many people take aspirin even though they have no idea how it works.

  Homeopathic trials comparing homeopathy versus allopathic medicine usually have come out quite favorable to homeopathy.  Most trials generally show that the homeopathic medicine works as well as the allopathic medicine.   Examples of this would be a trial of 146 people that showed homeopathic nasal spray treated hayfever as well as the allopathic spray. 

  Homeopathic trials with placebos are much more of a mix bag of trials.  Some of the research studies come out quite positive but others have not show too much difference than the placebo. Certainly many of these trials did not follow procedures as homeopaths would practice.  It would interesting to see how some of the untested allopathic medicine compare to a placebo.

  A placebo effect may exist in all forms of medicine just not homeopathy.  How much a placebo effect can help a patient is unknown?  Research does suggest that placebo can be help patients cure their ailments but this is far from conclusive.  

How much does the placebo effect play in homeopathy?

How big a role does the placebo effect play in allopathic or western medicine? 

Are people taking too much medication when they may just get better by themselves?

Homeopathy Flourishing In India

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Tags: Homeopathy in India, Homeopathy research in India

  This article is going to talk about homeopathy in the country of India.  Homeopathy has been around 200 years and invented by Samuel Hannehman.  Homeopathy was introduced in India by Dr. John Martin Honigberger from Transylvania in 1839.  He was actually in Lahore to treat the maharaja's horses who were suffering from leg ulcers.  The maharaja was impressed with the results of this type of treatment.  Maharaja Ranjit lated asked the homeopath to treat him for paralysis of vocal cords and oedema.  The maharaja was quite satisfied with the treatment which cured his paralysis.

  Homeopathy continued spreading in India since 1839.  Every major city in India has pharmacies dispensing homeopathy medicine.  Many states in India also have homeopathy colleges teaching this type of alternative medicine to prospective students.  Currently there are 186 homeopathic medical colleges in India.  37 of these colleges are government run.  The other colleges are privately run. 

  The Indian government created the Central Counil Of Homeopathy which requires uniform education at the graduate level and diploma level  in homeopathy.  This has lead to standardized practice in India preventing unqualified homeopaths to prescribe medicine and treatments.    Currently, there are over 300,000 homeopathic doctors practicing medicine in India.  

  Homeopathic medicine is significantly cheaper than conventional drugs.  This makes this type of medicine more available to India's population many of whom do not have access to allopathic prescription drugs.  Homeopathy is the third most popular medicine in India after allopathy and ayurveda.  Approximately, 10% of the population in India uses homeopathy.  This makes India the largest consumer of homeopathy medicine in the world.

  India has become the mecca of homeopathic research.  There are over 37+ homeopathic research centers in India carrying out various types of clinical trials.  The government helped form many of these reseach centers.  

  Some of this research includes Dr. Prasanta Banerji & Dr. Pratip Banerji scientific papers on brain cancer.  This research was collaborated with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.  The study showed that Ruta 6C and Calcarea Phosphorica 3X helps to kill cancerous brain cells but does not damage normal brain cells or fuctions.

  The Banerji family has also been successful in treating other type of cancers as well.  Their clinics in Calcutta will see 1000 people per day.  Their cancer success rate is between 30 to 40%.  

   Homeopathy is an accepted form of medicine by the Indian government.  It is generally regarding in the same light as allopathic medicine.  India is one of the few countries that generally accepts homeopathy.  

  Why does the Indian governement accept Homeopathy?  Why have many other governments not accepted homeopathy as a system of medicine?   Do you see other governments accepting homeopathy in the future?


Homeopathy In India

Homeopathic Research 

Homeopathy Links of The Week Ending 09-21-08

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Tags: homeopathy links, Homeopathy News

Homeopathy Links of the Week 

From Poison to Pill Homepathic Medicine Dilutes Some of Nature's Nastiest-and Nicest Ingredients to Treat Ilness and Pain.

  This talks how homeopathy has helped people with many ailments.   Cancer, type 1 diabetes and low thyroid are some of the conditions that homeopathy cannot treat.  Most research points to homeopathy working.  Some critics point out that homeopathy has never proven to be conclusively effective for any single medical condition.

Can water remember??? 

  This article talks about recent research on water memory.  The research is promising but not conclusive.  More research needs to be done on water memory.  The article also talks about French Scientist Jacques Benveniste who showed water had a memory in an experiment.  However, it was later proven that this trial had issues and researcher bias.

Patient satisfaction and side effects in primary care: An observational study comparing homeopathy and conventional medicine

  This news article talks about a trial comparing homeopathy patients to conventional medicine patients.  They sent a customer survey to see how satisified people were with the treatments that they received.  The survey showed the homeopathy group was much more satisified with respect to health status, the treatment they received  and the side effects that they felt.

100 Best Herbs For Your Health 

  Talks about 100 best herbs for your health.  Many of these herbs have homeopathic preparations.  This just gives you a summary of some of the herbs that can be used to treat your health problems. 

    Send us your news about homeopathy or alternative health.  It may get posted on to our blog on the links of the week if it is interesting, accurate and informative.  You can also add some more interesting homeopathy news in the comments section.

Effects Of Homeopathy In Weight Loss

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Sep 17, 2008 @ 02:25 AM

Tags: Homeopathy Weight Loss

Power Point Presentation On A Homeopathy Weight Loss Trial

  Above is a link to a series of power point slides discussing a trial testing homeopathic medicine for weight loss.  We will summarize the power point presentation below.

This is a trial to find out if homeopathy promotes more weight loss than a placebo.

  The product used was weight control by Dolisos.  This product is no longer available.  However, it was a combination of the following single remedies.

Anacardium orientale
Antimonium crudum
Calcarea carbonica
Nuv Vomica

  35 patients were in the trial, 30 completed the trial.  This was a 4 week trial to see if homeopathy promotes weight loss.  It was a double blind placebo trial.

At the end of 4 weeks,  body measurement between the placebo group and homeopathy group showed no difference.

  Patients in the homeopathy group reported more exercise than the placebo group.  The daily questionnaire filled out by the homeopathy group showed better quality of life than the placebo group. 

  In conclusion, the homeopathic product did not show that it promoted weight loss.  However, an interval of one month maybe too short to draw a conclusion.  The product did show that the homeopathy group was exercising more and living a better quality of live than the placebo group.  

   A larger study with a longer time interval would help to determine if homeopathy may help with weight loss.

  Trial provided by Dr. Mike Smith, a homeopathic doctor with Carolinas Natural Health Center.

Homeopathy Links of The Week Ending 09-14-08

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Sep 14, 2008 @ 03:28 AM

Tags: homeopathy links, alternative medicine

Links of the Week 09-13-08

Homeopath To Her Majesty

  Dr. David Fischer, the homeopath to the queen of England, is coming to Australia to show evidence that homeopathy is an effective form of alternative medicine.  He is going to Australia to show doctors how effective homeopathy is with clinical trial evidence.

Actress Jane Seymour Finds Inspiration

   This article talks about Jane Seymour's new book Open Heart.  It talks about her new love of painting and helping people with live threatening illnesses.  Jane is a big advocate of alternative medicine.  She has seen amazing things with homeopathy and used acupuncture herself.  She believes alternative medicine combined with western medicine responsibly can be the best medical combination.

Homeopathy: Treatment by wishful thinking

  The commentary here is about homeopathy works by wishful thinking.  Regardless of this, homeopathy seems to be growing.  Since homeopathy has no real side effects, the FDA does not really monitor homeopathic medicine other than the labeling.

Who uses alternative medicine and for what 

  This story talks about what people use alternative medicine for.  It also tells how many males uses alternative medicines compared to females.  The number one use of alternative medicine was back pain. 

Homeopathy Pet Meds

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Sep 11, 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Tags: homeopathic pet medicine, pet meds

  Homeopathy has started to become a very popular method for treatment of animals.  Many critics say homeopathy does not work.  The results homeopathy gives are due to the fact that people think they have taken something that will help them get better.  This phenomenon is called the placebo effect.  However, pets getting better after taking homeopathy seems to contradict the placebo effect.

   Throughout Europe and Asia many veterinarians practice treating animals ranging from cat, dogs and horses with homeopathic pet meds.  The practice is less common in the US but more vets having been trying homeopathy.  Homeopathy vets usually prescribe single remedies to help with a pet's medical condition.

   Homeopathy petmeds combination medicine has become  popular in the US.  Combination medicines usually contain several homeopathic remedies in one pill.  All natural stores and large retail pet stores such as Petsmart are carrying homeopathic combination remedies such as Homeopet.  These combination remedies treat a wide range of acute conditions such as anxiety, cough, travel anxiety and skin and itch relief for dogs and cats.

  Most people do not even know they are buying homeopathic remedies for their pets with these combination medicines.  They are simply looking for away to cure acute conditions without having to make an expensive trip to the vet's office.  Sales of homeopathic combination remedies for pets have been strong.  Many people feel their pets have become better by taking these type of medications.

    How can there be a placebo effect with homeopathy when treating pets?  Why are sales of these combination remedies for pets so strong?

Current Situation of Homeopathy In the United Kingdom

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 @ 11:02 AM

Tags: Homeopathy, Homeopathy in UK, Homeopathy Hospitals

  Homeopathy in England was introduced by Dr. Quinn in the 1830s.  Since that time this form of alternative medicine has flourished in England.  Homeopathy has steadily grown in England and is funded by the National Healthcare System (NHS) of the UK. 

Homeopathy has always had an elite status in UK.  It is used by the royal familiy and other celebrities such as Paul McCarthney and Catherine Zeta Jones.  This form of alternative medicine has been under attack of late in England. 

Current homeopathic hospitals in the United Kingdom face closure due to an orchestrated campaign by leading doctors in the UK saying homeopathy is simply a placebo.  They point to many studies showing trials where homeopathic medicine is no better than a placebo.  The doctors are telling many doctors not to give out homeopathic referrals.  Without enough referrals, homeopathic hospitals will have to close.   Tunbridge homeopathic hospital has already scheduled to close due to lack of funding and referrals.  Some other hospitals are also facing cuts by the NHS and they are getting less referrals than in the past.

The media and other have pointed to Lancet trials showing homeopathy does not work.  However, these homeopathy trials have many issues with research bias and validity. BBC has done some experiments with homeopathic dilutions showing no effects between a water dilution and a homeopathic dilution.  There has not been in scientific evidence that this type of alternative medicine works.  

  The homeopathy users of the homeopathic hospitals seems to be quite satisified with their treatments. Even with all the lack of funding from the NHS, fewer doctors writing referrals and the bad media press, homeopathy in England still seems to be growing.  The public comes in growing numbers to this type of alternative medicine. In 2007, the UK market is estimated to be worth 38 million pounds.  In 2012, the market is going to reach 46 million pounds.

  Is all the media coverage really bad for homeopathy? Do  people  feel that more homeopathic hospitals will close in England?  Why have doctors  targeting Homeopathy now even though it has been in England since  the 1830s?  Do  doctors in England view homeopathy as a threat? 


Homeopathy Challenge

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Aug 27, 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Tags: Homeopathy, Homeopathy Challenge

  This article is going to take about a couple of homeopathy challenges out there. This article will discuss the homeopathic challenge from James Randi awarding a prize of $1,000,000 dollars to show anything paranormal.  Homeopathy would fall under this category due to the fact that this form of alternative medicine uses dilute substances to heal.  The other challenge is from Simon Singh and Edward Ernst saying that they will award anyone $10,000 pounds that can show homeopathy will work in a placebo based trial using their research methodology.

    The first challenge is the James Randi challenge.  It awards anyone a $1000000 dollar prize to show something that is paranormal.  Some homeopaths have taken up this challenge but their application was denied.  The challenge states that people with serious medical conditions can not stop  their current medication to  participate  in the challenge. 

A homeopath was going to demonstrate  his success treating patients with chronic asthma symptoms via Homeopathy. They felt the participants would be in danger by not taking their current medications for chronic asthma so the trial was denied.

In the James Randi challenge, you would have to design the trial.  James Randi's staff would approve the design trials.  You can begin testing once you are approved.

  The second challenge is very strange.  Ernst and Singh have issued a challenge to homeopathy to demonstrate evidence that this type of alternative medicine works using cochrane research methodology.  The prize is $10,000 pounds.  

  What makes this challenge so strange, you may ask?  Ernst himself did a trial on homeopathy showing it worked for varicose veins.(1)  He tested 61 people with varicose veins and the homeopathic group show a 44% improvement.

Is he going to give himself $10,000 pounds because he proved that homeopathy worked? 

  The question becomes why are people offering these challenges? 

Is it for publicity? 

Is it to discredit Homeopathy?  

Why have some few homeopaths taken up these challenges?

Do people think that these organizations will actually pay if the experiment proves successful?

Do people feel these experiments would be fair?







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