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10 Tips To Finding A Good Homeopathic Doctor

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Tags: Homeopathic Treatment, Finding a homeopathic doctor

  Finding information about homeopathy is pretty easy these days with the Internet.  However, finding a homeopathic doctor can still be a challenge.  There is really no standard for homeopaths in the US.  Other countries may have standards but this article is going to focus on the US. 

1)  The homeopathic doctor should have you fill out a health survey.  This should be about the same as when you go to a MD doctor office.

2)  The homeopathic doctor should ideally have a MD degree.  The Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) credential is the best.  Many people have ND degrees but they are not really homeopaths.  They specialize in naturopathic medicine.  Not to say anyone with a ND degree is not qualified to treat you but if you can find a homeopath with a MD degree that would be ideal.  Ask the ND if he specialized in homeopathy training.  Check to see if the doctor had come from some of the universities below that specialize in homeopathy.

• Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington
• Hahnemann Medical Clinic in Albany, California
• International Foundation for Homeopathy in Seattle
• National College of Natural Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon
• Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto 

3)  The homeopathic doctor should tell you what medicine you are taking.  Some doctors simply give the clients the medicine to heal them without informing the patient what they are taking.  Once the doctor leaves, the patient has no way to resume the therapy.  This is done to trap the patient into using their services indefinitely.

4)  Check to see the doctor has a website.  Most reputable doctors would have a website with testimonials and downloaded forms.

5)  The intial meeting should last about 1.5 hours to find out a treatment plan for your conditions.  If the initial meeting is too short, you may not be meeting a qualified homeopath to treat you condition.

6) The homeopath should also be prescribing constitutional remedies not just homeopathic remedies for your acute or chronic conditon.  Constituional remedies are used to help heal your body and mind back to normal regardless of your condition.  

7)  Homeopathic doctor should not be telling you to stop your current prescription based medication.  This can be dangerous for the patient.  Only your own MD doctor should tell you not to take prescription medicine.

8)  The homeopath should work closely with your current doctor if the case is chronic.  Chronic cases require everyone to work together to find a solution.  The homoepath should work closely with your doctor so both may come up with a plan to treat you beneficially.    

9) Make sure there are no claims or lawsuits impending against the homeopathic doctor.

10)  Use these set of questions before you start treatment below.

Questions to ask the practitioner
Are you qualified to give medical advice?
• Can you give me examples of patients you’ve treated and what their recovery was like with homeopathy?
• About how long will the initial consultation last?
• How long will I need to continue homeopathy treatments?
• How will I know that a homeopathic remedy is working?
• How often will I need to take a dose of the remedy?
• Will I experience any side effects or worsening of symptoms from taking homeopathy?
• Why is it necessary to spend so much time asking me about so many unrelated aspects of my habits and health?
• How much does a session cost?
• About how many follow-up treatments do you anticipate I’ll need to treat my particular symptoms?
• Is this treatment covered by medical insurance?

  Let me know if there are any tips that should be included in the comments section.


Homeopathy Links Of The Week of December 7-12th 2008

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Sun, Dec 14, 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Tags: homeopathy links

Homeopathy Links Of The Week

Vote on your favorite links of the week.

38% of Adults Use Alternative Medicine -  —  Discusses the growth of alternative medicine including homeopathy.  

The Associated Press: About 1 in 9 US kids use alternative medicine — One in nine kids uses alternative medicine.

All About Homeopathy — Information on about homeopathy.

 HealthNews Blogs - Melanie Grimes - Homeopathic Treatments for Prevention of Colds and Flu. — Prevention of Cold and Flu with homeopathy. Also how to treat the cold and flu at the early onset.

Sri Lanka Breaking News-Daily Mirror Online — Discusses Homeopathy Remedy For Children Tags: Homeopathy for kids.

Is homeopathy the way to beat winter colds and the flu? (From Worcester News) — Describes homeopathic remedies to combat the cold and flu.

 Philadelphia Health Examiner: Restore health naturally with homeopathy — Article describes on how to find a good homeopathic doctor to help with chronic conditions.

Cancer Treatment Using Homeopathy

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Dec 05, 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Tags: Homeopathic Treatment Of Cancer

   This article is from our guest blogger Dr Harshad Raval MD.

He discusses below some homeopathy treatments for gastric cancer.  Also discussed are common causes of cancer and what are the pravalent types of cancer in our society.  This is a summary of his article.


   Cancer can occur in any age group but nearly all types are more common in middle aged and elderly people than in young people.

 Most Common Type:  Skin Cancer among men and women.

Most skin cancer is caused by not being properly protected by UV radiation.

Second Common Cancer among men: Prostate

Second  Common Cancer among women: Breast

Cancer causing the most deaths: Lung

Common Cancers in Young Adults and Children:

Leukenia and Brain Cancer.

Factors Increasing Cancer.

Tobacco - Tabacco causes many different types of cancer.  Lung is the most common cancer caused by smoking.  Second hand smoke also causes cancer to people who inhale too much of it.

A high fat diet may lead to cancer as well.  These cancers include prostate, breast and colon cancer. 


   Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and from other sources (such as sunlamps and tanning booths) damages the skin and can cause skin cancer.  Repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of skin cancer.. The sun is ultraviolet rays are strongest during the summer from 11-3PM. (daylight saving time). Wearing protective clothing may help ward of sun exposure.


  Drinking, large amount of alcohol increases the risk of cancer.  Smoking and drinking are a double whammy for cancer.  Overconsumption of alcohol can damage the liver and increase the risk of liver cancer. Some studies suggest that drinking alcohol also increases the risk of breast cancer. So if you drink at all, do so in moderation-not more than one or two drinks a day. 


X-rays used for diagnosis expose you to very little radiation and the benefits nearly always outweigh the risks. Try to avoid too many X-rays at once.  Consult your doctor if you are concerned.

Hormone replacement therapy

Estrogen may help with the thinning of the bone but studies have also shown that it may be cancerous.


Out of ten people suffer from gastrities.  Out of those, one out of a hundred suffer from stomach cancer.  If the cancer can be identified early, it can be cured 90% of the time via surgury.  


1.Most ulcers are benign.  However,  some ulcers can become cancerous. Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach appears to be an important cause of gastric ulcers .

2. Chronic duodenal ulcer,  this is a common condition of the duodenum , the organ situated next to the stomach.  We can reassure those with this condition that even after many years of having a chronic duodenal ulcer, the chances of it becoming malignant are almost nil.

3. Gastritis with low or absent stomach acid production . This situation can occur in an uncommon illness.  Absent or low levels of stomach acid which is normally produced to aid digestion is associated with the disappearance of gastric glands and this is called atrophic gastritis . Atrophic gastritis is a pre malignant condition .  


Inherited causes

Family History of stomach cancer doubles your chances.  Type A blood group, the common blood groups are A,B,O ,and AB. A person with type A blood has a 20% increased chance of developing stomach cancer during their life time compared to those with other blood groups

Personal health risks:

  Presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach .This type of bacteria which in recent has been associated not only with stomach cancer but also with gastric and duodenal ulcers and with inflammatory changes called gastritis.  Certain individuals have the bacteria in their stomach  but others do not.  No one knows why some people have the bacteria and others do not.

Life style health risks :

  A poor diet that is rich in fatty foods increases your chances of getting stomach cancer.


1.A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat can potentially decrease your chances of getting stomach cancer. .

2. By quitting smoking and tobacco usage, you decrease your chance of getting stomach cancer.

3. Eradicate Helicobacter Pylori,  if helicobacter infection has been shown to be present ,suitable antibiotics can be used recent research suggests that the acidophilus bacteria found in some dietary supplements may also been effective way to eliminate helicobacter infection.

4. Aspirin may help prevent stomach cancer. However the human evidence of a preventive role for aspirin in stomach cancer is insufficient at present to make such a recommendation .

Treatment of the Cancer

CHEMOTHERAPHY:, Is a major concern for many patients. This therapy may cause hair loss and loss of fertility as well. 


  Homoeopathy medicine can cure cancer in various age groups of people. In the early stage of cancer, it may help the patient.  A qualified homeopath should be consulted when dealing with cancer.   People want to find out all their options when treating cancer.  Patients may take notes or, with the doctor's consent, tape record the discussion. Some patients also find it helps to have a family member or friend with them when they talk with the doctor to take part in the discussion, to take notes, or just to listen.  

• Here are some questions may want to ask the doctor: What are the chances that the treatment will be successful?  

• Would a clinical trial be appropriate for me?  

• What are the risks and possible side effects of each treatment?



Chelidonium : Helps cure cancer of the stomach, throat or mouth.  

Condurango : Helps with cancer of oesophagus or stomach . There are many other medicines , only few have been mentioned here .

Cancer of the breast with burning , drawing pains through chest. Cancer of the uterus, glands of stony hardness.

Suidal tendency and cancer diathesis. Anaemia acute pernicious, thirstless, wasting.

Cancer with glandular enlargment and diminution of the senses. Dizziness is aggravated by moving the head sideawys and when lying down. 
Sore throat with a sensation of lump in the throat and a constant necessity to swallow. 
SAMUCIS Nigra : 
Oedema, especially of legs, instep, and feet. Obstruction of nose. 
A tremendous sinking at navel. Dr Burnett useed scirrhinum in breast tumor 
Haematuria, bloody urine, albuminous urine, thick black blood.



Dr Harshad Raval MD [Homeopathy] 

Honorary consultant homeopathy physician to his Excellency governors of Gujarat India. Qualified consultant homeopath. International Homeopathy lecturer, book writer and columnist For Gujarat Samachar, Ex-Member of nominee advisory committee (Govt. of Gujarat). Specialist in kidney, cancer, psoriasis, Leucoderma, Autism, dyslexia, C. P child, Falling of Hair,  Rheumatoid arthritis, impotency, infertility  and other chronic disease,

Web site:

Email: Contact us NOW at +91-9327010414(24/7) or email us to

Homeopathic Remedies For Indigestion

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Tags: Homeopathic remedies for indigestion

  With Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas upcoming, this article is going to talk about using homeopathic remedies for aiding in digestion of the Thanksgiving and holiday party dinners. 

If any of these conditions persist for more than several days, please see your physician. In the case of severe food poisoining, see your physician with in several hours.

Hyperacidity -  This condition is caused by too much acid in the stomach.  This can be caused by too much alcohol consumption, overeating, and generally unhealthy meal.  A good remedy to take for hyperacidity is Natrum_Phosphoricum 6X.  Take every 10 to 15 minutes until the condition subsides.  

Food Poisoning  -  Generally not feeling like eating all.  You may also feel dehydrated.  Accompanied by diarrhea and also vomitting.  Drinking too much alchohol may cause these conditions.   The remedy to take would be Arsenicum Album 6C every hour up to 10 hours

Heartburn - Heartburn happens 30 minutes after eating.  A craving for alcohol, fatty foods or spicy foods even though it upsets the stomach.  Take Nux Vomica 6C every 10-15 minutes until the condition subsides.

Overeating- Generally happens in the evening approximately 2 hours after eating. This may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting.  This indigestion is typically caused by eating rich or fatty foods.  Take Pulsatilla 6C every 10-15 minutes until the condition subsides.

Stomach Flu with severe cramps -  Caused by viral stomach infection with possible diarrhea.  Take Colocynthis 6C every hour up to 10 doses.

  What are some other homeopathic remedies you use to treat indigestion over the holidays?  I would love to add more to this list.


Complete Guide to Homeopathy - Dr. Andrew Lockie and Dr. Nicola Geddes

Homeopathy Lancet Trials Revisited

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Tags: Homeopathy Trials

  A series of homeopathic trials were published in the Lancet medical journal.  These trials questioned the benefits of homeopathy.  A Swiss and United Kingdom of researchers reviewed 110 double blind placebo trials.  They came to the conclusion that homeopathy works no better than a placebo.  The researchers had said that in the smaller lower quality studies, homeopathy shows a more positive effect than a placebo.  The trials claim in larger studies homeopathy seems to be the same as a placebo.  The researchers used 14 of the larger studies in homeopathy studies to come up with their conclusions.  These trials also had allopathic medicine as a third comparison group.  The trials compared asthma, allergies and muscular problems.  The allopathic trials showed that there was a  significant improvement in their condition compared to the placebo and homeopathy groups in the larger study groups.

  Of course once these trials were made public, the media was all over it.  The BBC published an article saying  Homeopathy benefit questioned.  Lancet stated that this evidence shows there is no medical evidence to tell anyone to use a homeopathy treatment.  Many homeopaths questioned the trials but they fell on deaf hears.  Surely, a reputable medical journal such as Lancet would have accurate homeopathy trial information.  Skeptics and critics now announced that they had ample proof that homeopathy does not work.

  Researcher George Lewith, Professor of Health Research at Southampton University, looked at the data.  The trials did not say which trials were of larger quality and which trials were of poor quality.  Assumptions of the data also were not mentioned such as what constitutes a large trial.  The conclusions become unreliable due to the changing conditions of larger quality trials.  The data seems to be manipulated to meet a preconceived conclusion by the researchers.  There are a limited number of homeopathy studies so researchers choose the homeopathic studies that had an unfavorable response.  The matching with conventional medicine was meaningless.  Conventional medicine trials were not matched at all with the homeopathy trials.  The researchers saying that conventional medicine trials showed a greater response than the homeopathic and placebo trials proved not to be true.  The conventional medicine trials were just randomly chosen trials by the researchers.  They did not match the placebo or homeopathy trials in anyway.  

  The conclusion of the Homeopathy Lancet trials is that this data is totally unreliable.  Researchers manipulated the data to reach a preconceived conclusion about these trials.  Conventional medicine showing a greater effect than a placebo or homeopathy was actually not true either.  There were no matching of these trials.

  Why is a medical journal like Lancet publishing such poorly done trials?  Why is the media also not researching the trials before publishing them?  There is a forum posting to continue this conversation. You can post your opinions on our homeopathic forum about these Lancet homeopathy trials.



Reference: Lüdtke R, Rutten ALB. The conclusions on the effectiveness of homeopathy highly depend on the set of analyzed trials. J Clin Epidemiol 2008. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.06.015
Rutten ALB, Stolper CF. The 2005 meta-analysis of homeopathy: the importance of post-publication data. Homeopathy 2008. doi:10.1016/j.homp.2008.09.008. 


Homeopathy Arthritis Trials

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Nov 10, 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Tags: arthritis homeopathic treatment, Homeopathy for arthritis

  Arthritis is a condition where joints become inflammed.  There are several forms of arthritis.  Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis which happens from over exertions of joints, old age and possibly joints not in proper positions.  Osteoarthritis is basically a painful inflammation of the joints.  Another form of arthritis which is especially disabling is rheumatoid arthritis.  This is an autoimmune diesease that where the body's own defense system attacks its joints.  This causes painful inflammation and possibly joint destruction.  Other forms of arthritis are gouty arthritis, psosaris arthritis and septic arthritis.  

  In this article, we are going to examine 3 homeopathic arthritis trials.  Two trials are using classical homeopathy where each homeopathic remedy is individualized for the person depending on their personality traits.  Each participant is examined by a trained homeopath and given a specific remedy for their rheumatoid arthritic condition.  The third trial is done using a combination of homeoapthic remdies 

  In the first trial, there were 46 patients with rheumatoid arthritis taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Half the patients took additional homeopathy and half took a placebo. The trial followed a conventional design. There were  improvements in pain, joint tenderness and stiffness in patients receiving homoeopathic remedies. Patients taking placebo showed no benefits.  Researchers concluded that larger studies are needed to determine if homeopathy may help patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

  The second trial that we will look at is the follow up trial to the initial trial.  This trial had 112 participants with 58 participants completing the trial.   These patients were also taking antiinflammatory drugs.  Both the placebo and homeopathy groups showed an improvement in thier pain levels.  However, it was discovered that the placebo group and the homoepathy group show no statistical significance between one another.  The researchers concluded that there is no evidence from this research that homeopathy can help treat rheumatoid arthritis.

  The final study we will look at did not use classical homeopathy.  This study used a homeopathic combination formula to treat osteoparosis.  This study was double blind and examined how homeopathy compares to acetaminophen when treating osteoarthritis.  The study examined 65 patients.  The study found that homeopathy offer better pain relief than acetaminophen.  The pain relief offer by homeopathic remedies were not statistically siginificant.  The researchers concluded that homeopathy remedies seem to be as same as acetaminophen in treating osteoarthritis without the added side effects.  Larger trials and more research is needed. 

   The research is fairly inconclusive.  Classical homeopathy for treating rhumatoid arthritis does not consistiently show that it offers additional pain relief for people taking prescription drugs.  Homeopathy treatment of osteoarthritis not using classical homeopathy shows that the treatment works as well as acetaminophen.  More research in homeopathy is needed with arthritis in general to determine if homeopathy can be effective in treating arthritis.


1)  (Gibson, R. G., S. Gibson, et al. (1980): "Homeopathic therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation by double-blind clinical therapeutic trial." Br J Clin Pharmac 9: 453-459)

 2)  A randomized controlled trial of homeopathy in rheumatoid arthritis.  P. Fisher and D. L. Scott.  Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3HR and
1 Department of Rheumatology, GKT School of Medicine, Kings College Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, Dulwich, London SE22 9PT, UK    

3) (C. N. Shealy, MD, R.P. Thomlinson, V. Borgmeyer: “Osteoarthritic Pain: A Comparison of Homeopathy and Acetaminophen”, American Journal of Pain Management, 1998;8:89-91)

  Why are combination homeopathic medicine showing fairly good results when treating osteoarthritis?  Why are researchers having a hard time duplicating their results with classical homeopathy?  


Homeopathy Link Blog Additions

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Wed, Nov 05, 2008 @ 05:19 PM

Tags: homeopathy links, Homeopathy News

More Interesting Articles on Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine have been added to our links blog.

See them below and vote on our blog for your favorite articles.

Homeopathy key to ovarian cysts  Article talks about homeopathy to treat ovarian cysts as compared to allopathic treatments.

Travelling? Pack that homeopathy first-aid kit  Pack your homeopathic first aid kit. Article helps identify which remedies to pack.

Claims that homeopathy is just a placebo are seriously flawed, say experts  More issues with the Lancet Trials 

New evidence for homeopathy   Recent Lancet Trials seem to have issues.



Losing A Little Weight Is Beneficial For Your Health

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Tags: Maintaining Good Health, Weight Loss

   Alternative medicine is not a cure all to all health problems.  Alternative medicines such as homeopathy work best on healthy people with a strong immune system.  Most people do not realize the potential benefits of just losing a few pounds of weight.  This article is done by our guest blogger, Bryan Joseph King, will help show you how just losing a little bit of weight can go a long ways toward improving your overall health.

Losing Weight For Your Health.
It is very clear that gaining even a bit of weight is not good for our health. The same cannot be true for the reverse because losing a little weight is good for our health. You only need to at least loss 5% to gain health benefits so for example your weight is 200 pounds then you only need to loss just 10 pounds.
Losing weight plays a big role in treating and preventing heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, unhealthy blood cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases. With just losing a weight of 5% of body weight can eliminate, reduce, or prevent these conditions in many people that are overweight. It is even better if you can maintain a loss of 10% of your original body weight because it improves the reponse of our body to insulin, controls or prevents high blood pressure, aids blood sugar, and improve triglyceride, LDL cholesterol levels, and HDL cholesterol. The health benefits are better when you lose excess abdominal fat.
Here is a list of some benefits of losing a modest amount of weight, which is loss of 5% to 10% of initial body weight:
- If weight is lost before age 45 then reduce risk of breast cancer.
- Increase in HDL cholesterol incrementally for every BMI change downward of one unit
- Lesser chance of diabetes by 58%.

- Drop blood pressure by 10 points for lost of weight of 20 pounds.

Losing weight is a very big help in preventing diabetes. In a program to prevent diabetes, they recommended weight loss and physical activity components that will dramatically reduce their risk of developing diabetes with a weight loss of just 7%.

Article by: Bryan Joseph King
Health and Fitness Blog

Bach Flower Remedies May Help Ease Stress And Anxiety

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Tags: Rescue Remedy, Bach Flower Remedies

   This is a stressful time for many people around the world.  There is a global credit crunch, skyrocketing food prices and many home foreclosures in the US.  Are there any effective ways to help deal with these situational stesses? 

  In this article, we are going to look at Bach Flower Remedies effectiveness.  Many people take these type of remedies when dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and other stressful situations. 

  Bach flower remedies were created by Dr. Edward Bach.  He thought that negative emotionals were the cause of illness.  He devised 38 negative feelings that people have.  Dr. Bach matched a flower remedy to each of emotions.  The Bach Flower remedies are each used for a different type of emotional state.  

  Contary to popular belief, Bach flower remedies are not homeopathic.  It is true that both forms of medicines are diluted and create no side effects.  Homeopathy and Bach Flower essences are both diluted but in a totally different manner.  Flower remedies are diluted via the sun method for some essences.  For plants that bloom when there is limited sunlight, these remedies are diluted by boiling method.  Bach remedies do not follow the homeopathy laws of similars or successive dilutions.  Bach flowers try to create a positive energy to negate a negative energy.

  In the sun method, the flowers are placed in a container with fresh water.  The container is left in the sun for several hours.  Bach believes the sun rays would transfer energy to the medicine.  After the flowers are taken out of the water, they are put into a container.  Alcohol is added to preserve the flower.  An equal amount of water is also added to dilute the remedy.  The final product is a liquid based flower essence.  The dilutions can also be made into a cream or spray.

   In the boling method, flower essences are put into a pot of water.  They are boiled in water.  The remedies are boiled several times with the water being replenished after each boiling interval.  After several boiling intervals, the remedy is mixed with an equal amount of alcohol and water.  The boiling method is necesary due to the fact that many flowers bloom when the sun is not shining.  This is really the only way to create the essence without the sun.

  The most popular flower remedy is called rescue remedy.  Rescue remedy is a combination of 5 flower essences which are  Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum.  There is also a rescue remedy cream that contains these 5 flowers plus Crab Apple.  Rescue remedy is suppose to be used during anxiety and panic attacks.  

  Research on the bach flower remedies is limited.  These flower remedies were tested in a few double blind placebo trials. The results of these studies are given below.

  In one trial, 100 university students in England were recruited.  The trial examined whether rescue remedy could help relieve stress and anxiety as compared to a placebo.  The students were given questionnaires to fill out so researchers knew of their mental state.  After 8 days, the students were reevaluated.  The bach remedies show no better effect than a placebo.[1]

  In a second trial, children with ADHD were given bach rescue remedy.  In the three month study, bach flower remedies showed no better effect than a placebo.  Although, both the placebo and the flower remedies reduced the symptoms with ADHD.[2]

  The final trial is the most recent trial with Bach Rescue Remedy.  This trial observed 111 people between ages 18-49 in a double blind clinical trial.  The standard mean to evaluate anxiety was used before and after administering the rescue remedy and the placebo.  The study suggest that rescue remedy may be able to reduce high level of situational anxiety as compared to the placebo.[3]

   Bach flowers have not been research extensively.  Some studies suggest the remedies are no better than a placebo.  Other study suggest that these remedies may help in stressful situations.  More research using well conducted placebo based trials needs to be done to give a definite conclusion on how effective these remedies can be.

  What has the audience experience been with the Bach Flower Remedies.  Did you find any remedy more effective than another?  



1)  E. Ernst (December 30 2002). ""Flower remedies": a systematic review of the clinical evidence". Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 114 (23-24): 963–966. PMID 12635462.

2)   H. Walach, C. Rilling, U. Engelke (July 2001). "Efficacy of Bach-flower remedies in test anxiety: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial with partial crossover". Journal of Anxiety Disorders 15 (4): 359–366. doi:10.1016/S0887-6185(01)00069-

3)  University of Miami School of Nursing in conjunction with The Sirkin Creative Living Center (SCLC) research study on Bach Flower Remedies.   

Crystal Links Information on Bach Flower Remedies

Intellihealth Information on Bach Flower Remedies

Homeopathy Links Blog

Posted by Sanjib Sarkar on Mon, Oct 20, 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Tags: homeopathy links

  We are introducing our brand new homeopathy links blog.  The blog will contain various links on homeopathy and alternative medicine.  Blog subscribers may vote and comment on their favorite links.  You can also vote for links that you do not like by clicking the vote down button.  Readers may also suggest links by emailing 

Homeopathy Links Blog

Examples of the links included are as follows:


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